Dematic Logistic Systems, S.A. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Dematic Logistic Systems, S.A.
Alemania 2-4
28821 Coslada (Madrid) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑912057749   +34‑912057700  
🖷:  +34‑912057902
Manufacture of equipment of maintenance and systems of logistical automation for the industry and the distribution

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Dematic Logistic Systems, S.A.

Dematic Logistic Systems, S.A., belongs to the Group Dematic, world-wide leader in solutions and systems for the logistical automation, with own products that cover the needs for the processes automated, flow of materials, automatic classification and storage robotizado.

Dematic Logistic Systems, is present in all the industrial states and of the distribution and to world-wide level, inside the Group Dematic, is responsible for the south logistical markets of Europe and MERCOSUR.

Is manufacturer of:

  • TEAMS And AUTOMATIC SYSTEMS FOR HANDLE And STORAGE OF LOADS: horizontal Carousels, vertical Carousels, automatic Systems for the manufacturing of requests, Tanselevadores of palettes and Mini Praise.
  • MAINTENANCE CONTÍNUA: Monocarriles, Slides, Carriers to level of floor, aerial Carriers, Belt conveyers, cloth or rubber, Carriers of tray, Carriers of chain and chain buried, carriers of rollers and roldadas, carriers of board articulated, Carriers of screw endless, magnetic Carriers, metallic Carriers, Carriers by gravity, telescopic Carriers,etc. All type of sorters, simple and double of high speed.
  • PROVISION OF SERVICES: Maintenance and hygiene.
  • ENGINEERINGS And CONSULTINGS: Engineering of projects key in hand.
  • SOFTWARE OF MANAGEMENT: logistical Software for planning and distribution, Software for control and management of warehouses.