Grupo Moldtrans - Moldtrans, S.L. - International transportion services

International terrestrial transport: direct services in his modalities of grupaje and complete load

Picture of International terrestrial transport
The Group Moldtrans offers direct services of transport in his modalities of grupaje and complete load with Europe, north of Africa and Turkey. His wide network of correspondents strategically located in the main industrial areas of Italy, France, United Kingdom, Germany, Belgium, Holland, Portugal and rest of European countries, beside the narrow collaboration been supported by his logistical partners in Turkey, Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria, allow to the companies benefit of the experience and professionalism of his more than 40 correspondents situated in 35 countries, making him possible keep a flow of constant commodities with Spain.

His new service JIT, incorporates to his consolidated European service of grupajes, his system of deliveries guaranteeed, adapting to the requests and standards of quality more demanding of the logistical market.