Grupo Moldtrans - Moldtrans, S.L. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Grupo Moldtrans - Moldtrans, S.L.
Ctra. N-152 Km 14 - Pol. Ind. Pla d'en Coll
08110 Montcada i Reixac (Barcelona) Spain
☎:  +34‑935041400  
🖷:  +34‑935753714
Integral logistical operator

The vicinity of the company location is being shown.

Grupo Moldtrans - Moldtrans, S.L.

Company transitaria leader with capital 100% Spanish

The Group Moldtrans, of capital 100% Spanish, has a paper of leadership inside the logistical sector Spanish.
Founded in 1979 by Marcelino Moulds, the company has of more than 40.000 m2 of logistical installations strategically situated in the Iberian Peninsula. Having a wide network of correspondents and agents in the main cities and ports of the world.

This structure allows to the Group Moldtrans offer an extensive range of services that includes:

• 1. International terrestrial transport

• 2. Air transport

• 3. Transport by sea

• 4. National distribution

• 5. Moldstock, logistical services

• 6. Transport Expresses

• 7. MoldHome, distribution to domicile

Trust the Group Moldtrans all his needs of transport and logistical. More than 30 years of experience endorse our path.