Lis-Solutions, S.L. - Logistics engineering and consulting services


Green logistics: environmentally sensitive and sustainable projects

Picture of Green logistics
The strength of a chain is measured by its weakest link. In the 21st century environment is unfortunately playing this role. LIS-Solutions since it puts all the know-how logistical and technological to develop first and foremost projects sustainable and sensitive to the environment.

The methodology of the 4 Rs apply you to traditional management of reverse logistics to carry out mini projects that help optimize reverse logistics.

-Reduction of the carbon footprint.

-Structural cost reduction (N ° of trucks, truck efficiency, trucks...).

-Reduction of process costs (eliminating unproductive processes, minimizing errors of picking, reduction in returns management times...).

-Creation of "green" kPIs and the contralogistica management (Km travelled per Item, Kg of CO2 emitted per m3 or kg...).

-Improvement of feeling of quality through reverse logistics (evaluation processes for return times).

-Increased knowledge of our clients through callbacks (repeated returns, defective products, improved packaging).