Lis-Solutions, S.L. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Lis-Solutions, S.L.
Pintor J. Ángel Sáez, 16
01008 Vitoria - Gasteiz (Araba/Álava) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑945065950   +34‑688823305  
Engineering of logistical Projects, Business Intelligence, Supply Chain Management, Simulations

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Lis-Solutions, S.L.

LIS-Solutions Is the result of the conviction, that we are in front of a new era.

After a lot of years of estimates and suppositions opens now, the opportunity to be able to arrive to know and approach more to the reality of the data.

Conscious that are in the start of the era of the information, decide to create a concept that could be useful for the improvement of the processes in the chain of supply

"Supply Chain Global View" is a group of methods and tools that will allow him visualise and interactuar in the chain of supplies as never before it had done it.

For the development of "Supply Chain Global View" have of a team formed by consultores of business with more than 20 years of experience and personal younger, experts in new technologies, programming and statistical analysis.

They offer him a method to happen of the complex to the simple and of the Gb or Tb to intuitive pictures of control and infografías that will facilitate the visualisation and understanding of the information, with the end to take the best decisions.