Intermec Technologies, S.L. (Honeywell) - Barcode readers

Intermec Technologies EA21

Engine of reading of bar code: based in technology of the image

Picture of Engine of reading of bar code
Intermec Technologies Has of the engine of reading of bar code directed to the market OEM EA21. This engine, based in technology of image, has like main applications no only his integration of devices of professional or logistical mobility, but also numerous activities of identification, from the sanitary ware sectors until the industries of leisure and entretenimiento (terminals of lottery, controls of access, interactive kiosks, points of sale, etc.).

The model EA21 for codes of 1D and 2D and a very compact design can work in hostile surroundings regarding temperature and dust and resists hits, falls and vibrations. His speed of reading in way 2D is of 30 images by second and allows likewise the reading omnidireccional in any surroundings lumínico.

Endowed of the software eMDI ('enhanced mobile document imaging'), the EA21 allows the capture of images of documents of until format To4, expanding the margin of capture with angles of until 35º and 10º of rotation. This program optimises the quality of the image, that stores in format TIFF, with excellent ratios of compressesion, and handy by all the solutions of documentary management. Account besides with a new pointer of setting, that facilitates the capture of the bar code or of the document, works under the whole of conditions of lighting, with a big speed of decodificación.

This double functionality opens the way to new applications, where the possibility to have of images of documents in real time, will allow dinamizar extraordinarily the processes of attention to the customer, turnover and management of deliveries, amongst other.