Intermec Technologies, S.L. (Honeywell) - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Intermec Technologies, S.L. (Honeywell)
Av. La Vega, 15 Edificio 3 - Planta 2ª Izq
28108 Alcobendas (Madrid) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑918060202   +34‑900900365  
🖷:  +34‑918042221

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Intermec Technologies, S.L. (Honeywell)

In the current market, there are a lot of providers of technologies for the chain of supply. However, it is more difficult to find a partner in which it can trust for real, no only to the hour to offer the best solution for the needs of his business, but also to contribute him the experience and the necessary contacts to implant the new systems, as well as a technical service of quality after the implantation. This wide approach, this commitment to satisfy the needs of his company in a wide sense, is what differentiates to Intermec.

The manufacturers of products of consumption confront to margins smaller and to greater requirements by part of the distributors, the retailers and the consumers. Deliver the products to time and in the correct destination is fundamental so that the customer remain satisfied and to manage of form adapted the levels of the inventory. These requirements involve a more productive approach and precise of the control and the management of the products in his route along the chain of supply.

The terminal robust laptops and the solutions based in bar codes and RFID of Intermec put in his hands the competitive advantage that needs to achieve greater precision and speed in the deliveries of the products, in addition to building an image of mark solider, take advantage of better the resources of the factory, reduce the costs of inventory and attain considerable improvements in the general activity of the business.

The systems help him to manage the requests with precision, since they go in the orders of work until the products arrive to hands of the customer.