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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a Francisco Font, gerente de F&H Fitness Equipaments
“The sector of the fitness has evolved a lot; today it is better to purchase a new team that repair one desfasado”

Interview to Francisco Font, manager of F&H Fitness Equipaments

Javier García29/01/2013
The sector of the fitness and wellness has evolved significantly in the last years, and with him, the world of the manufacturers of sports equipment. Of this change, of the new habits, habits and exigencias in the sport speaks in this interview Francisco Font, manager of F&H Fitness Equipaments, S.L., company castellonense devoted to the distribution of materials, equipment and integral services for fitness, wellnes and cosmetic.
Francisco Font, manager of F&H Fitness Equipaments
Francisco Font, manager of F&H Fitness Equipaments.

What other services, in addition to the sale of equipment, offer in his company?

Realise the integral setting of gymnasiums and all type of sportive installations and provide an assistance continued in the development of the project, covering from the base of study, development and gestión until the optimisation of the project, with years of experience in the sector and the best equipments to answer to all the expectations of business. We offer also, and very important, a service post-sale qualified for any type of assistance. And as no, an experience and service in material of occasion, that goes so well in these times of crisis.

Which is the profile of his customers?

The profile of our customers is very miscellaneous, from a particular, that by problems of mobility or time can not displace until a centre and needs any of our products for house, going through the gymnasiums until arriving to the big sportive installations.

As you see, can arrive to any type of customer, since we have of a big range of material.


Which appearances values more a customer to the hour to purchase a new team for his centre?

The first that take into account is that the relation quality/price was the correct, in addition to the design and the service in technical assistance. To the customer likes him know that after the sale go to be here with him, helping him in his new business, for any query or problem that can have.

The sector has evolved a lot in the last years…

Think that the sector has evolved to better. What wants the user now is to be and feel well, inside and out. This is a good base for the health and the welfare.

It thinks that they are very instrumented our gymnasiums? They are ‘to the last' regarding new developments in matter of equipment?

The gymnasiums go advancing little by little and go covering the demands of the users, and this is important.

In which measure believes adapt the manufacturers to the apparition of new sportive disciplines and of fitness?

Manufacture is not easy, but think that go it achieving, since we have to adapt us to the new demands.


Which are the tendencies regarding equipments and machinery for fitness? What carries at present?

The tendency has ended to the fitness, to the welfare, to develop, especially, the cardiovascular work, to cuidar our heart and feel us well.

In which measure thinks that has affected them the rise of the VAT to the gymnasiums of our country?

The rise of the VAT has affected, and a lot, but think that it has affected in everything, to general level, no only in the gymnasiums.

And on sale of equipment for these? They think it to him twice now before purchasing a new machine?

Now prefer to do a tuned of the material of the that already have, before purchasing a new product. However, some times would have to think that it is better to purchase a new product, that repair the one who already purchased years backwards, since the fitness goes evolving and the material also.

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