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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a José Luis Gaytán, creador y director de Fitness19
“Our centres low cost offer an intelligent consumption; the user pays by what really goes to use”

Interview to José Luis Gaytán, creator and director of Fitness19

Javier García12/12/2012

Fitness19 is a Spanish chain of gymnasiums low cost that allows the use of the rooms, equipments and classes, “and everything without limitations”, by a standard quota of only 19,90 euros + VAT to the month. The chain arose in 2009 after studying the tendencies of future in sectors more mature and see the evolution of the market of the fitness in other pioneering countries in this type of business, especially in EE UU, Centre Europe and United Kingdom. “This model already has tested his success in his two first installations and in January will open two new centres in Villalba and The Elipa, Madrid”, explains his creator and director, José Luis Gaytán.

José Luis Gaytán, director and creator of Fitness19
José Luis Gaytán, director and creator of Fitness19.

What is a gymnasium low cost?

Is a centre fitness that offers the services the users sue, removing those that do not need and by which do not want to pay. Thanks to this, allows them realise physical activity to a very reduced price. The low cost is not a fashion passenger, neither is a product of the current economic situation world-wide. It is a new way to live of the ‘intelligent consumption' of the new society of the 21st century, in which a consumer is not had to pay more by elements that do not contribute him value, and uses his money and his time in other services and activities more satisfactory.

The gymnasiums and centres of fitness in general play with margins of profits very adjusted. How it can his proposal of gymnasium ‘low cost' go down so much the prices? Said of another way, how can be profitable?

By a part, adjust the services to the ‘core' of the activity, to the fitness, deleting all type of services prescindibles like towels, café, spa, etc. Maximizamos the space of specific use for the sportive practice, increasing the ratio of users by square metre.

On the other hand, low cost is a business of volume, volume of customers by centre and volume of centres. Only under the protect of a big group can be profitable the centres low cost. An independent unit will have it very difficult.

“We have spaces where the young people feels to taste”, explains Gaytán
“We have spaces where the young people feels to taste”, explains Gaytán.

It says that this type of business centres only in the fitness. Which services offer? With which equipment explain?

Offer machinery and equipments to train and classes directed. In addition to clothings and showers. At all more, the basic to put you in shape, what sues the greater part of the users. This yes, what offer, offer it well. The equipment and the machinery are of first level, and compete in installations with centres of quotas much higher. Low cost Means fewer things, no worse.

Which activities can offer exactly a Fitness19?

Allocate big spaces to the functional learning, zones instrumented with Crossgym and sacks of boxing. Big rooms of free weight and give classes directed of 30 minutes. We are quite attentive to the tendencies of the sector and for this are used to to travel to know at first hand the activities that the people sues.

And to which type of public are directed?

Our target are the youngsters from among 20 and 30 years and even users very underneath of this age. In any case, Fitness19 is done so that all the publics realise physical activity of an accessible form without mattering the age that have.

Gaytán: “The equipment and the machinery of Fitness19 are of first level, and compete in installations with centres of quotas much higher”...
Gaytán: “The equipment and the machinery of Fitness19 are of first level, and compete in installations with centres of quotas much higher”.

But perhaps the aesthetics of the centres heads to this younger public…

Yes, the corporate image, the industrial and urban design of the venues has working of spectacular form. We have spaces where the young people feels to taste. We look for to escape of the stereotypes of the current centres of fitness and wellness that are oriented to a public senior.

The investment of a centre of fitness is used to to be very high. How much can take the franquiciado in recovering this investment?

The investment recovers to 100% between one and two years. With a half investment of 350.000 euros —that include the equipment, the work and the machinery— and with a system of attractor trucks financials without intermediación banking, the success is ensured for those that decide to bet by Fitness19. With 70.000 or 90.000 euros is sufficient to set up the business. For the rest have agreements of financials with providers, and can autofinanciar with the campaigns of pre-ordering. A very low cost that allows a fast expansion regarding centres, and a fast return of the investment.

They pay canon the franquiciados? What offers him Fitness19 to the franquiciador in return of this canon?

The canon of entrance is of 21.000 euros. With this, we guide him along all the process, from the research of the venue and study of market, a study of feasibility, learning of all the personnel so much technically as in commercial processes, manufacturing campaigns preapertura, design of spaces of the venue, determination of equipments… In reality, all what needs to know to set up a centre low cost. Only with the agreements with providers or in the savings in material, this canon saves it to him the investor with grow.

Later, pays a royalty monthly of 0,7 euros by partner to the month. It includes the gestión of the community management, web page and social networks, commercial campaigns and of marketing of monthly form and, especially, weekly continuous learning in commercial processes and available technicians, like the monthly technician in systems of fitness.

The centres have classes directed and machinery and equipments to train
The centres have classes directed and machinery and equipments to train.

In which measure has affected them the recent rise of the VAT for this type of establishments?

To be sincere, affects us positively. In spite of that, as it said before, the low cost is not fruit of the current economic crisis, has supposed an acceleration in his development in almost all the sectors, implanting in the mind of the consumer and changing his habits of consumption. No longer it is question of acquisitive power, treats of intelligent consumption, to pay by what want to use and to take out the maximum provecho to your money.

Which actions have llevar for paliar his effects? They have increased the quota to the user or have assumed it you?

Ours standard quota is of 19,90 euros + VAT. It includes use of the rooms, equipments and classes, and everything without limitations. We do not have services out of quota and here roots the success of Fitness19: the people believes in us.

With how many establishments explains the franchise? Which is the forecast for 2013?

At present, have two centres, Boadilla of the Mountain and San Sebastián of the Kings, that is the first centre franquiciado. In January will open in Villalba and The Elipa, all in Madrid. We have begun the projects of other three new centres in the north, Balearic and Raise. Besides, we are initiating also our expansion in Portugal and Latin America.

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