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A conjoint work of these entities has been recognised like the best scientific article in the international congress IEEE-ISPLC 2014

They reward an investigation of IK4-Ikerlan, Ceit-IK4 and the MIT to improve the communications on electrical wiring

Editorial Interempresas30/05/2014

A scientific article of the technology centres Basques IK4-Ikerlan, Ceit-IK4/Tecnun together with the prestigious North American centre Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), that proposes a method to improve the communications on electrical networks, has been recognised like the best work presented in the world-wide congress IEEE International Symposium on Power Line Communications and its Applications (IEEE-ISPLC 2014). This event that has carried out recently in Glasgow (Scotland), is the most important of the world devoted to the communications on electrical wiring.

Big part of the devices and machines that use daily home or in the industry are connected to the network of electrical supply. In some cases these networks use to transmit data, which allows to take advantage of the existent wiring. But since the networks are not designed for this use, the communication suffers an important degradation, which turns them into a half little robust and efficient.

The work of investigation rewarded proposes a method to create a network of communications of narrow band (that is to say, a network of capacity of transmission limited) notably more reliable and safe that the conventional in front of problematic stages for the transmission of data. This allows the deployment of new services with requirements of reliability in the communications (associated to the hygiene of people, for example), or the improvement of the capacities of applications that require the connection between devices without requiring for this the deployment again wiring or infrastructures of communication.

The rewarded in Glasgow (Scotland)...
The rewarded in Glasgow (Scotland), where celebrated the Symposium more important of the world in the field of the communications on electrical wiring.

Exists a wide spectrum of applications that can cost of the advances obtained. It treats , for example, of the systems of automation in the home (surveillance systems, domótica, etc.), elements of the intelligent cities, the systems embebidos in the transport (reduction of wiring in trucks, aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing, nautics, etc.), elements of management in fields like the health, the power or the water, the counters of light and intelligent gas…

In the article rewarded proposes take advantage of the wiring employed to feed the devices with the end to connect the machines between himself. “Each machine would act like a node of the network and, in case that a node do not receive properly a part of the information, could complete it quickly with the information that would provide him the other machines through cooperative mechanisms”, explains Josu Bilbao, researcher of IK4-Ikerlan and leader of the study.

For this the authors propose a system of communications based in a new technician based in coding of network (Network Coding), to surpass the theoretical limits alcanzables by the diagrams of classical communication.

As it affirms, “increasingly applications sue some networks of robust communication”. “At present”, it continues, “when a machine tries to exchange information with another and there is some problem in the communication, the first has to send all the information again, and this process has to repeat so many times as it was necessary until the second receive it” “Our aim is to design new methods that allow to increase the robustness and the efficiency of the communications, reducing the cost of his deployment”, concludes.

Since the classical method is not all the efficient and reliable that would be desirable, find ways to improve the systems of communication in problematic stages has turned into all a challenge for the scientific community. “Take advantage of the electrical wiring already deployed is an option of increasing interest”, declares Bilbao. Besides, the method developed by the researchers of IK4-Ikerlan, Ceit-IK4/Tecnun and the MIT is safer that the conventional in front of possible attacks, because the information is enciphered.

For the moment, this method to improve the communications by wire has tested in electrical networks of low tension. However, the researchers are analysing his applicability in other fields, as well as the interest of different companies in using said mechanisms of communications of experimental way.

The communication by electrical wire

The utilisation of the electrical wiring like network of communications allows to take advantage of the enormous deployment of the network of electrical supply. Thus it supposes a very interesting solution there where results complicated to deploy new infrastructure of network (as in the ancient buildings), or in surroundings where results unfeasible to use wireless systems (by the big distance to cover, the level of interferences or the type of construction).

The problem that lastra the use of these networks, however, is that to the not being designed for the communication of data, but for the feeding of power, the transmission does not result of the all reliable and efficient. Improve these appearances would allow to convert the transmission of data by electrical wiring in an useful and economic alternative so much in industrial applications as in the transport or the home.

The method proposed allows to create networks of communications of narrow band more reliable and safe that the conventional

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