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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at El sector automoción necesita invertir en tecnología y sus procesos productivos

The sector automotive sector needs to invest in technology and his productive processes

Carlos Bernardos, manager of Financials of the Innovation of Alma Quality consultancy Group

Carlos Bernardos, manager of Financials of the Innovation of Alma Quality consultancy Group
Carlos Bernardos, manager of Financials of the Innovation of Alma Quality consultancy Group.

The latest news that publish on the world of the automotive sector, his investments executed and planned, the increasing units enrolled in Spain, the incentives of the Government to the sector, the important exports, etc. involve a change in the tendency that has marked the market in the last years, and seems that it begins the backstitch in the economy and in the sector of the automotive sector, specifically.

Still with the important descents in the units assembled in the last years, Spain is the second European manufacturer of industrial vehicles, only by behind Germany, even by in front of her if they take the light vehicles inside this category (according to the Anfac). Like counterpoint to this positive situation, is the loss of the tenth position in the ranking world-wide of producers of vehicles of engine. However, it is very possible that this position go back to reach in the short term, thanks to the willing plans by the different marks, the agents involved and the plan 3 Millions proposed by the Anfac.

Carried to the industrial state and of the production, these elements launch some hopeful data, like the current commercial scales positive in the market of vehicles assembled, data definitely very positive, more still in these times of crisis. Spain is a net producing country of vehicles, so many tourisms like commercial and industrial, that is to say, an authentic power in the assembling. This has to to the high technological level of the factories and the excellent relation formative quality-productive cost.

However, there is an appearance that is not so positive and that surely no resalte so much neither publicite of equal way. Still it exists a big way for visiting in the field of the pieces and components that manufacture in Spain and allocate to the assembling or repair of vehicles. In this section, Spain has an industry that has suffered a lot of in these years, but that has known to adapt and adapt to the difficulties of the market, no without sensitive low and enclosures of companies. At present, his net commercial scales is negative, what denotes a clear opportunity in the market and a possibility of growth.

This opportunity of market invites to invest and develop new projects to give products and services to national and international constructors, and not having to matter so many products of other European countries or even of out of the continent. The big problem of this situation is the ocasionado by the tensions of box and problems of liquidity that the companies present in the actuality, derived of the financial crisis and of the important drop of the production suffered.

These problems of liquidity and the difficulty to win new projects can solve if it invests in technology and in the development of new products, as well as in the improvement of the productive processes, with seen to obtain competitive advantages in front of the current foreign providers. With this end, the Centre for Industrial Technology Development (CDTI) puts to disposal of the companies, lines of financials for the derivative costs of the development of projects of R&D and for the incorporation of active innovative to the productive field.

These lines carry rigged important preferential options of financials, from among 0,7% to 2%, with intensities of until 85% of the budget approved by the organism. Likewise, they carry associated some periods of lack that allow to obtain an economic return that can give back these capitals and the interests associated.

On the other hand, the projects of R&D that achieve this preferential financials obtain also a Report Motivated vinculante with the Administration, that expects allow to realizar the application of cash back of until 3 million euros to the year, without need to certify them according to the RD 1432/2003, of the fiscal deductions no applied and accumulated without applying during at least a fiscal exercise. This translates in some net entrances of box, that allow to execute new innovative investments.

For this, always is advisable to have the expert work of companies of skilled quality consultancy in the identification, processing and justification of this type of procedures, that allows to the companies concentrate in the exert of his projects and investments.

Finally, the development of innovative projects and with generation of industrial knowledge, can serve to obtain an important fiscal saving by means of the incentive of the Patent Box, since the sale or cession of technical knowledge allows a substantial saving on his income related, for what is necessary a good advice and seat some solid bases for his application and justification in front of a possible fiscal inspection.

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