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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Más de un centenar de asistentes acuden a las ‘Jornadas Técnicas de Automatización y Seguridad’
Coorganizadas By Kuka, Schmersal, SMC and Bihl Wiedemann

More than a hundred of assistants attend to the ‘Technical Days of Automation and hygiene'

Editorial Interempresas21/03/2014
More than a hundred of professionals assisted to both ‘Technical Days of Automation and hygiene', celebrated in Álava (Vitoria) and Barcelona the days 12 and 13 March, respectively. The companies organisers of the days aim to the increase of the interest by the industrial hygiene and to a remarcable increase of the exports of machinery like reasons for this success of participation.

Kuka Iberian Robots was, together with the companies Schmersal, Bihl Wiedemann and SMC, coorganizadora of the days, where more than a hundred of people could receive information at first hand on the last tendencies and novelties in the field of the automation and industrial hygiene. When having an essentially practical character, the assistants could participate actively in the exchange of information between professionals of the sector. All this with the collaboration of four moderadores with four experiences on the subject solapadas: Schmersal, on hygiene of detection and logical of control; Kuka, on robotics; Bihl Wiedemann, on communications of hygiene; and finally SMC on performances of hygiene.

Likewise, during the day, through a real example, went seeing the phases of development of the hygiene in a machine; comprising realities, purchasing knowledge and avoiding disorders by fault of understanding of directives and normative.

The days celebrated in Álava and Barcelona around the middle of March
The days celebrated in Álava and Barcelona around the middle of March.

The good received of these days, that are free for the assistants, has carried to the companies organisers to schedule two events more stops before the months of summer. These new days, and to fault of the confirmation in firm of the organisation, would celebrate to finals of May in Madrid and Saragossa.

The industrial hygiene, in the agenda

The success of participation in the days is a sample, on the one hand, of the interest of the companies for diminishing to zero his siniestralidad labour, avoiding, logically, the grave accidents in the industrial field. And it is that, according to data of Unipresalud, the siniestralidad labour costs him 15.000 annual millions to Spain, the equivalent to 1,5% of the Spanish GDP. In spite of this, notice remarcablemente the efforts of the industrial state in reducing his accidents: according to the data of the Ministry of Employment and Social hygiene, the index of incidence, that takes into account the number of mortal accidents in relation to the population affiliated to the Social hygiene, the tax has happened of the 9,4 in 1999 to the 3,1 in the same period between 2012 and 2013.

The assistants obtained information at first hand on the last tendencies and novelties in the field of the automation and industrial hygiene...
The assistants obtained information at first hand on the last tendencies and novelties in the field of the automation and industrial hygiene.

But no only the logical interest by the labour hygiene would explain the success of the days. Also it does it that the figure of export of machinery keeps growing and that, in concrete sectors, has supposed a salvavidas in front of the fall of the inner market. Like this, the hygiene and the increase of the export are questions that do patent the need to be to the day regarding legality, hygiene, efficiency, costs and quality in the construction of machinery and installations.

Related Companies or Entities

Kuka Iberia, S.A.U.
Schmersal Ibérica, S.L.

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