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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at La balanza exterior del sector de bienes de equipo consigue un saldo histórico del 100%
According to the advance of results of the exercise 2013, the sector obtained an income of more than 36.000 M€ by exports

The external scales of the sector of goods of team achieves a historical balance of 100%

Editorial Interempresas25/03/2014

The National Association of Manufacturers of Goods of Team (Sercobe) presents the figures that collect his forecasts of closing of the exercise 2013. The data come from of a survey realizar, in the months of October-December of the past year, to 140 companies of the sector. A sample whose conjoint turnover surpasses the 21.600 million euros and with a labour structure of 91.130 places of direct work.

The internal demand did not attain a positive sign from the 2010

The internal demand did not attain a positive sign from the 2010.

The data collected by Sercobe reflect a positive evolution of the Spanish industry of goods of team during 2013, what compensates the shrinking experienced in the year precedent. The turnover has grown 0,5%, what supposes a total of 49.280 million euros. Predictably this data indicates a change of tendency in his evolution considering the fall of 5,2% suffered in 2012.

In this sense has been notable the line of containment of prices kept by the companies to ensure some suitable levels of competitiveness in the external markets. In fact, the industry of goods of continuous team being the one who more exports of our country with a weight of 19% on the total. It fits to review that in 2013 it has achieved, for the first time, a positive balance of 100,6% in his external scales. And it is that his exports have attained a new increase of 9,4%, that adds to 5,1% obtained in 2012. This supposes an income of 36.178 million euros.

I square summary of the advance of results 2013
I square summary of the advance of results 2013.

The internal demand changes of sign for the first time from 2010

The internal market, by his part, has remained feeble although it has moderated the shrinkings. The data of Sercobe of the last third of 2013 indicate that it is reactivating the internal demand with the figure of import in positive sign. This has improved 12 points porcentuales when happening of the -7,8% obtained in 2012 to 5,1% of the exercise analysed. The patronal estimates that the value of the imports of 2013 was of 35.952 million euros.

The analysis of the data that realizar the National Association of Manufacturers of Goods of Team stands out that the contraction of the sector could have touched floor during 2013. The patronal augura a recovery of the economy if it confirms the economic expansion of the main European markets, his main customers, and do not materialise the threats on the emergent.

From Ssercobe has praised the effort of the Spanish companies for improving his productive capacity and modernizar his active for the manufacture of goods of consumption. This fact is contributing to a large extent to the backstitch of the investment in our country, after two years of shortage, and to face the present year with some doses of optimism.

The patronal augura a recovery of the economy if it confirms the economic expansion of the main European markets, his main customers...
The patronal augura a recovery of the economy if it confirms the economic expansion of the main European markets, his main customers, and do not materialise the threats on the emergent.

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