
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a Mario Armero, vicepresidente ejecutivo de Anfac
“We are assisting to a cycle unprecedented investor in the sector, more than 3.500 millions in hardly a year”

Interview to Mario Armero, executive vice-president of Anfac

Nina Jareño07/01/2014

Anfac (Spanish Association of Manufacturers of Trucks and Trucks) is a non-profit entity that boosts the development of the sector of the automotive sector and collaborates in the defence of his interests promoting the collaboration between the pertaining companies to groups that manufacture vehicles or derived in Europe. His executive vice-president, Mario Armero, analyses in this interview the situation of the sector in Spain and exposes a vision of future that bases in “working in a same steering, recover the internal market and increase the competitiveness of our factories”.

Mario Armero, executive vice-president of Anfac
Mario Armero, executive vice-president of Anfac.

To start with, it could explain which is the current situation of the sector of the automotive sector in Spain regarding the manufacture of vehicles?

The installed manufacturers in Spain, in spite of the surroundings desfavorable, have taken decisions oriented to do compatible the levels of activity of the factories, the sostenimiento flexible and reasonable of the employment, and the improvement of the efficiency. From here that, by the moment, have been able to avoid the ghost of the deslocalización and have diluted the danger of the transfer of the Spanish production to other countries.

Spain grows in production of vehicles and increase the investments. We are assisting to a cycle unprecedented investor in the sector, more than 3.500 millions in hardly a year. We generate employment, more than 2.400 places of work in the first semester of the year. The plans PIVE of finals of 2012 and 2013 have allowed to sustain the demand.

Export more and generate until October a commercial surplus of almost 14.000 million euros, what supposes 19% more than in the previous year. But this is not sufficient, have to grow more in the internal market and aspire to produce 3 million vehicles.

In the last year have engaged 3.500 million euros of investment of marry them matrices in Spain. Which are the forecasts of future? Think that it will keep this interest by Spain?

There is not any another sector with similar bet by Spain. In the next 12 months will be able to announce other 1.500 million destined euros to the factories of Spanish vehicles. It does not be necessary to go down the policeman and follow working to be able to improve in all those appearances related with the competitiveness. We need an industrial politics directed to improve the competitiveness in factors like the logistics, the R&D, the labour subjects the taxation, etc. This will do that we keep on being a country favorecedor for the investors and the acquisition of new models in the Spanish factories.

This is the photo of a sector, the one of the car, in the actuality but do not conform us with this, want to more because Spain has potential for this. In 2013 Spain manufactured 2,2 million vehicles. This year it will manufacture 2,4 millions and think that we can reach the figure of 3 million vehicles manufactured in the year 2016-2017. From Anfac, are promoting our Plan 3 Millions to reach this aim.

Until which point will benefit these investments to the auxiliary industry?

The sector of the car has an effect drag very important regarding other sectors. It stands out his big contribution in the economic activity, because when an user buys a car besides, buys financials, insurance, components, etc… By each place of work that creates in the industry manufacturer of vehicles, generate other 4 in the auxiliary industry of components.

Presentation of the Plan 3 Millions
Presentation of the Plan 3 Millions.

Some marks of renown, like Citroën or Peugeot, have chosen Spanish plants for the manufacture of his new models of vehicles. Which are the groups internaciones that more bet by Spain? What look for and what find in the Spanish market that do them opt by him in front of other options?

The factories of vehicles in Spain are being a referent to be able to improve in competitiveness and increase the load of work in the chains of production. Spain in the year 2011 manufactured 34 models, in the year 2013 have risen to 39 and expects in the next two years produce 45 distinct models, thanks to the investments received.

The culture of the negotiation, where the agreement of company plays a key paper, is one of the characteristics that more the difference of other countries and sectors. Definitely, the agreements between employers and social agents are a key piece on which cimenta the success of the industry of the car.

Regarding the technological capacity of the Spanish companies and his level of internationalisation, thinks that are prepared to compete in the global market? Which are his strong points and what it is necessary to improve?

Although the Spanish system of science/technology/company is still relatively small in relation with his economic position in the world-wide context, so much regarding the percentage of GDP devoted to R&D as to the number of researchers, have to signal  that in relation with the car, exists in Spain a network of Technological Centres and Entities of Investigation very developed, tied to universities and companies. However, Spain keeps a situation of technological dependency of the very high outside, upper, for example, to which would correspond him by his contribution to the community budget, done that it has to correct by means of the adoption of plans of help to the basic investigation precompetitiva and also to the development of new processes of production, area in which our sector and in Spain has special importance.

The enrichment of this network and the integration of the sector of equipment and components to the processes and innovative developments has to be one of the priorities of the Administration and the industry for the years that come and is, definitely, one of our best arms to increase the competitiveness of our sector in Spain.

The Spanish factories, nevertheless, are pioneering in innovation in the processes of production, that do them situate in command of the rankings of productivity and commitment of the employees inside his own groups.

His forecast is that in 2014 will sell 800.000 tourisms and todoterrenos in the national market, and one million units of commercial vehicles. It thinks that these figures are a signal of hope?

Still is prompt to give a prognosis since depending of the economic stage of the country the data can vary, it is necessary to expect to situate us. It depends a bit of the approval by part of the Government of new plans of incentives and the step that mark the recovery of the internal market. They are miscellaneous the points to take into account to be able to say a concrete figure.

Photo of family of the meeting of the Sector of the Automotive sector 2013 with the members of the Government
Photo of family of the meeting of the Sector of the Automotive sector 2013 with the members of the Government.

Recently it announced the presentation a new proposal of taxation for the sector of the car based, especially, regarding the taxles of registration and circulation. It could explain in what consists this proposal and how will help to improve the manufacture?

The principle of our proposal is simple: we owe vascular of the taxation to the purchase to the use to be able to improve the introduction in the new market vehicles and new technologies.

To finalise, thinks that the collaboration of the distinct associations of the sector is the main way to improve the current situation and go out of the crisis?

If of something has served us this crisis, is to darse us that the union does the strength and that we are all those that are in the same ship. The industry of the car is prepared and qualified to be the spearhead that initiate the senda of the economic and social recovery. The car represents more than 10% of the Spanish GDP, 16% of the total exports of the country and employs direct and indirectly to near of two million people. They are figures that show the rooting and the importance of the industry of the car for our country. There are 17 centres of manufacture delivered by 10 Autonomous Communities and believe me when I say them that for each one of these Autonomous Communities, these producing centres of technology suppose the angular piece of the economic development of the region.

Today, more than ever, all have to work in a same steering, recover the internal market and increase the competitiveness of our factories.

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Asociación Española de Fabricantes de Automóviles y Camiones

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