
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a José Antonio Gutiérrez del Barco, responsable UET Expertos de herramientas y taller afilados. Dpto. servicios técnicos y M.A. factoría de motores de Renault
“Renault, as all the manufacturers of trucks, is working in the reduction of weight and size of his motors”

Interview to José Antonio Gutiérrez of the Ship, manager UET Experts of tools and sharp workshop. Dpto. Technical services and M.To. Factory of motors of Renault

Esther Güell15/02/2013
Further of the design, the aesthetics or the confort, exists a fundamental part in a car to the that the user loans him little attention but that plays a paper importantísimo in the provision that will develop in his rodaje. The engine, the heart of the vehicle, incorporates important pieces whose design and manufacture require of advanced systems of production and accurate works by part of departments like which directs José Antonio Gutiérrez of the Ship, manager UET Experts of tools and sharp workshop of the department of technical services and M.To. Of the factory of motors that Renault has in Valladolid.

In the first place, how it structures the work of manufacture in the plant of Renault of Valladolid?

In Valladolid exist two plants. One of filling of sheet and setting of vehicle, in which they manufacture the electrical vehicle Twizi and the new ‘crossover' Captur, and the factory of motors to which I belong and in which we manufacture the engine diesel Power dCi 90/110 and the motors of petrol Power TCe 115. We manufacture more than 1.000.0000 motors annually, that supposes 38% of the production of the Group Renault in the world. The components of the engine that manufacture in internal are the crankshafts, cárteres of cylinders, butts, trees of levy, bielas and a part of the steering wheels of inertia. The rest of components buy to external providers.

José Antonio in the line of mechanised of the carter
José Antonio in the line of mechanised of the carter.

And more specifically, which are the tasks of his department?

I belong to the technical services and in this department agglutinate several global functions of the factory as they are the pilotage of the electrical installations and of fluids, the Environingingment, the maintenance of machines and heritage, the auxiliary workshops and the service of tools that comprises from the gestión of warehouse until the actions of improvement and reliability of the same. We work transversalmente with the departments of manufacture to obtain the best ‘performance'.

Which are the main models in which they are working at present and which will do en el futuro next?

At present manufacture the engine Power dCi (1.5 dCi) in his different versions of power from 75 to 110 CV, and in 2012 initiate the manufacture of the engine Power TCe 115 (1.2 l turbo of direct injection of petrol). Próximamente Will begin also the setting of the engine Power TCe 90 (the version 3 cylinders of the engine of turbo of petrol) of the cual already are manufacturing pieces that at present command to another factory of the group.

In the capacities of production with which explains Renault, could say us which percentage belongs to works of start and of deformation?

The exact percentage the desconozco but, for example, in Spain have 2 plants (Valladolid and Seville) in which they realise processes of mechanised by start and deformation. In Valladolid mechanise different parts of motors and in Seville of boxes of change.

Like manufacturers, of which machinery have in his plant of Valladolid? In which measure go renewing and in base to which criteria?

The lines of manufacture more ancient are composed by machines transfer that allow a high production but very little flexibility of product. The most modern lines are composed of automatic lathes and machining centres that realise several operations in the same goring of the piece and besides allow us manufacture a diversity of pieces wider on the same line of mechanised. The current tendency is this and the future lines of mechanised that there is foreseen that they implant will do under this premise.

Which recent progresses of the technology of the machines-tool are those that more value in a manufacturer of trucks?

For us is very important can work with tools that allow us reduce the times of cycle of mechanised to increase our production and at the same time that the quality of the tools used perdure in the time. It is fundamental can work with providers that guarantee us that the quality of his tools is always the same.

At present they are manufacturing the engine Power dCi (1.5 dCi) in his different versions of power from 75 to 110 CV
At present they are manufacturing the engine Power dCi (1.5 dCi) in his different versions of power from 75 to 110 CV.

For the mechanised of the pieces or parts, which type of tools need?

In the factory of motors use a wide range of tools of a big diversity of technologies of mechanised by start of shaving and deformation like tools of turning, milling, taladrado, escariado, rectified, burnished, etc. Look for tools that allow us a high production with the lower possible cost.

What exigencias require regarding quality to his providers of tools?

The providers have to guarantee that the tools that supply us respect always the plane of manufacture defined and his functional characteristics. We demand them that they attach the reports of control of the tools that send us, (mainly the ones of specific manufacture for us) and the trazabilidad of the same

The critical pieces are of own production or subcontracted?

The most important pieces of the engine are manufactured in internal. They are the soul of the engine. The rest of elements buy to different providers.

And like subcontractors, which protocols have to fulfil the companies providers?

The companies subject to auditsorias periodic by part of our department of quality.

The sector of the automotive sector sues some very determinate standards. They are the companies mecanizadoras ready Spaniards to fulfil with them?

Yes, a big part of our providers are located in Spain.

In the last years have llevar projects of R&D in new materials. They participate in any on light manufacture? If it is like this, of what material are speaking?

Renault Possesses in Spain one of the greater engineers of our country, with more than 300 engineers devoted to the development of motors and his processes of manufacture. Renault, as all the manufacturers of trucks, is working in the reduction of weight and size of his motors. they are using New alloys of aluminium, special steels of a greater hardness and elasticity,

What other novelties is developing the sector in this field of the reduction of weight?

Renault Is realising important progresses in the called 'downsizing' of his propellants. Proof of this is the new engine of 3 cylinders (900 cm3), with cárter of aluminium, that will manufacture in Valladolid in the next months.

Until which point the new materials and processes of production condition them to the hour to mechanise?

The mechanisation of these new materials forces us to use tools increasingly complex that for example are able to mechanise at the same time aluminium and smelting or steels with a difference of hardness very big.

They have evolved the tools to the pair with these needs?

Yes, the greater part of the providers with which work are able to supply us these types of tools and go in in direct competition for obtaining the best results. Although it is true, that there are some technologies in which the fan of providers that guarantee us satisfactory results is quite reduced.

They are using technical of additive or similar manufacture in Renault? How it thinks that it will evolve it is technician in this sector?

To industrial level no. If I think that they are using in our centres of development for the construction of prototypes.

To finalise, the electrical car will change a lot the process of manufacture of a car. How it affects them and which challenges supposes them?

Renault Is pioneering in the industrialisation of electrical vehicles, being the first manufacturer in offering a complete range of this type of vehicles. The box of the vehicle and his setting is similar to the thermal sensors vehicles. The main novelties find in his propellant and in the batteries with processes of specific manufacture.

“Renault Possesses in Spain one of the greater engineers of our country”
“We manufacture more than 1.000.0000 motors annually, that supposes 38% of the production of the Group Renault in the world”

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