
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at El sector de la automoción en España sigue siendo atractivo en el exterior
Text extraido of the report elaborated by Invest in Spain for the catchment of international investment

The sector of the automotive sector in Spain keeps on being attractor trucks in the outside

Icex-Invest in Spain07/02/2013
Spain offers probably the best relation between availability, quality and cost of human resources in the sector automotive sector. Besides, it has some modern infrastructures of telecommunications, transport and power, that offer big operative advantages.

Spain has interesting clústeres, including manufacture of trucks, production of pieces and components and design: the factories of trucks located in Spain can have the high quantity and quality of plastics, especially composed, and steel produced locally to attend to particular needs. Spain is the leader in products of steel of long European term, a basic component in the production of trucks. The majority of the big manufacturers of trucks are presents in Spain, with 17 plants of production, to the equal that are it the main multinationals of pieces and components.

basic Data of the sector

In 2011 produced 2,37 million vehicles in Spain. It exported 89% of this production, 2% more than the previous year. The employment situated in 58.195 workers.

In 2011 the sector of Equipment and Components invoiceed 29.530 million euros, what supposed 9% but that the previous year. Of this quantity 63% corresponded to export, concept that besides experienced a promotion of 15% with regard to 2010. The employment situated in 191.005 workers, 7% more with regard to the previous year. The industry of components is purchasing in the last greater years importance inside the productive process of the car, since every time they subcontract and supply more complete systems already pre-mounted. In the last years is assuming functions more complex like the R&D or the coordination with other providers.

The sector of Automotive sector is of big importance in the Spanish economy: it supposes a turnover of 6,1% of the GDP, 8,7% of the active population Spaniard works in the sector of the automotive sector and treats of an industry that supposes 17,6% of the national exports of goods and services.

Likewise, the industry of the Spanish automotive sector employs to a big number of qualified workers; many of which work in R&D and some 20 of the 70 Technological Centres Spaniards have projects related with the sector of the automotive sector.

Evolution of the turnover of the sector automotive in Spain (million)
Evolution of the turnover of the sector automotive in Spain (million)
General data of the sector manufacturer of vehicles
General data of the sector manufacturer of vehicles.

Economic data of the sector manufacturer of vehicles

Source: ANFAC (Spanish Association of Manufacturers of Trucks and Trucks)
Source: ANFAC (Spanish Association of Manufacturers of Trucks and Trucks).

Industry of Equipment and Components of Automotive sector

The Spanish industry of manufacture of components of the sector of the automotive sector is one of the most important of the world:

  • The sales have kept relatively stable in the last two years.
  • The sector exports more than 60% of his production, figure that has remained stable in the last two years
  • Main subsectores exported: bodywork, chassis and equipment of motors
Source: Sernauto (Spanish Association of Manufacturers of Equipment and Components for Automotive sector)
Source: Sernauto (Spanish Association of Manufacturers of Equipment and Components for Automotive sector)

Industry Manufacturer of Vehicles. Summary of the market

Spain occupies a place stood out in the ranking European of manufacture by number of vehicles, being the second producer of vehicles and the first of industrial vehicles.

The industrial plants Spaniards characterise by his high level of productivity, as it shows the fact that miscellaneous of them situate between the 10 first of Europe.

The majority of the main manufacturers of trucks of the world are presents in Spain with 17 plants of production.

These manufacturers produce in Spain 10 marks and 35 models. The Spanish manufacturers have realised important investments in the modernisation of his lines of production and in his adaptation to the production of new models

The high productivity and the specialisation of the Spanish plants situates them like leaders of the production of vehicles of half and low range

83% of the Spanish tourisms export to the EU-15 (32% to France, 16% to Germany, 11% to the United Kingdom and 9% to Italy)

Main producing countries of vehicles

Spain is the 2º car manufacturer European and 9º to world-wide level. Besides it is the main European manufacturer of industrial vehicles. Almost 90% of the vehicles manufactured in Spain are exported to more than 90 countries. High level of productivity of the industry manufacturer of Spanish trucks, which explains his dynamism.

Source: OICA
Source: OICA.

Production of vehicles in Spain

Spain is one of the countries leaders of the EU-15 in the production of vehicles of half and low range

Source: Anfac (Spanish Association of Manufacturers of Trucks and Trucks)
Source: Anfac (Spanish Association of Manufacturers of Trucks and Trucks).

Plants of production of companies manufacturers in Spain

Source: Anfac (Spanish Association of Manufacturers of Trucks and Trucks)
Source: Anfac (Spanish Association of Manufacturers of Trucks and Trucks).

Spain, the best location

In a lot of plants in countries with hand of work more expensive that Spain the cost of the hand of work is the double of the that there is in Spain. If it treats to transport a vehicle of a Spanish plant to the centre of Europe, this can be 60% of the distance from a plant of Romania, or a 45 % of the distance from a plant in Turkey or in Ukraine.

The final cost of manufacture in plants of east Europe is upper to the of our plants. By what the cost of a hand-held hour of work is an absolutely irrelevant measure. Learning, rotation, rigidity, difficulty for externalizar, existences, logistical, interruptions, bureaucracy, at the end elevate the cost of form so important like unpredictable.

The plants in Spain have today some very reasonable costs. Some labour costs that can be the half that in Central Europe. Levels of important flexibility. Potential of externalización high. Near providers with high levels of just-in-time real. Logistical infrastructures and of comparable connectivity to the French, German or Italian. Able unions to understand the reality.

Compare the bottom line of a saturated plant is a better exercise that look only to the hand of work. And this shows that the plants in Spain are more competitive that the plants in east Europe.

Industry of Equipment and Components of Automotive sector. Strong presence in Spain

At present calculate join some 1.000 companies delivered by all Spain, with 245.000 employees, occupying the 6º position to world-wide level in turnover(3º EU). With capacities of Innovation and experience in certifications of quality.

[piedefofoto] (unknown label) Source: Sernauto

[piedefofoto] (unknown label)

Source: Sernauto.

High number of companies

Number of companies by sector of activity. Source: PriceWaterhouseCoopers and Sernauto
Number of companies by sector of activity. Source: PriceWaterhouseCoopers and Sernauto.

This situation supposes a series of opportunities like the consolidation of the market in Spain, a growth of the companies that devote efforts to R&D, a national park of vehicles with upper half age to the EU. The companies owe also specialise in a niche of market and contemplate the alliance of companies. Another option is the entrance of companies of main risk.

Like fortresses, PriceWaterhouseCoopers and Sernauto aim:

  • Knitted industrial automotive sector consolidated / 'Industrial Power'/ Know–how.
  • Sues intern of vehicles
  • Big competitiveness of the Spanish companies. Existence of national companies leaders in his segment.
  • Hand of ready work and more economic that in countries traditional manufacturers.
  • Skills and upper technological resources in front of the new countries competitors.
  • Good image in the customers. Flexibility and creativity to attend the problems of the constructor.
  • High productivity of the constructors in Spain.

Human resources

Másteres Of Automotive sector in Spain


Labour costs in Spain

Labour cost in the sector automotive sector in different countries

Source: European Labour Cost Survey, European Labour Cost Index. 2007
Source: European Labour Cost Survey, European Labour Cost Index. 2007.

Base of knowledge: Sector Automotive sector

Proportion of professionals highly qualified employees in the sector automotive sector

Source: Europe INNOVA – The network driving European Innovation (January 2008)
Source: Europe INNOVA – The network driving European Innovation (January 2008).

Technological parks for the sector automotive sector

In Spain exist 9 Technological Parks with companies of the sector automotive sector, among others:

  • València Parc Tecnològic
  • Technological Park of Boecillo (Valladolid)
  • Park Tecnolóxico of Galicia (Ourense)
  • Technological and Logistical Park of Vigo
  • Technological Park of Biscay
  • Technological Park of Álava
  • Centre of Technological Development of the University of Cantabria (CDTUC)
  • 22@Barcelona
  • Technological Park of the Engine of Aragon

Competitiveness Sector Automotive sector

Call automotive of the programme for the promotion of competitiveness of strategic sectors

From a perspective of offer, the impetus to the technological improvement of the automobile industry in Spain through the specific call for the automotive industry of the programme for the promotion of the competitiveness of industrial strategic sectors: automotive.

This call for the automotive industry, is intended to establish measures that favor the strategic positioning of our industry of vehicles and equipment and components manufacturer, making a bet for investment and leading actions that ensure the continuity of the sector in Spain, anticipating what will be the most competitive market segments in the future, hybrid carselectrical, reduced emissions of CO2, increased security, etc., at the same time that production processes are significantly improved to encourage its flexibility, its efficiency throughout the value chain, their sustainability and energy efficiency.

Economic impact foreseen for the period 2011-2015: 1.075 M.


In Spain exist human resources highly qualified in the sector automotive sector to a reasonable and competitive cost.

From Spain the companies can offer services of high value added, as well as manufacture products of high value added. Spain offers numerous opportunities of investment in the sector automotive sector.

Finally, the sector of the Spanish automotive sector offers in these moments a relation Value – Cost – difficult Risk to equalise in his surroundings.

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