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Reglamentaciones europeas en las aplicaciones de los plásticos recicladosThe Avep organized the past 2 and 3 October in Valencia the first international seminar on the effect of these regulations
European regulations on applications of recycled plastics
Luis Lopez Mateo. Cristina Monge Frontiñan (Avep)18/12/2008
December 18, 2008
Growing concern about the implications of recent European regulations on the industry of plastics recyclers,
Valencian Association of plastics entrepreneurs (Avep), organized the past 2 and 3 October in Valencia, the 1st international seminar on the effect of these regulations. The meeting was funded by the Impiva and counted with the collaboration of the main entities and Spanish and European associations interested in the recycling of plastics: European Plastic Converters (EuPC), European Plastic Recyclers (EuPR), Cicloplast, Anarpla, Avep (organizer) and technological institutes Aimplas and Itene.
The meeting was attended by more than 52 companies throughout the national territory and was presented by the Director General of Impiva, Daniel Moragues, who noted: "bringing together all partners and actors with interests on the regulations in the field of recycling has been a success which is in itself desirable in all those aspects or subjects that with" "a local, regional and State is regulated at European level".
The set of legislative developments of recent impact on the sector were discussed in depth during the development of the first day of work: legislation on waste, on green procurement, domestic waste from construction, Reach Regulation and regulation in the field of food security. With data as significant as the existence of more than 50 per cent of plastic waste reaching landfills, they are not evaluated and placing Spain between the seven countries which generate 75 percent of plastic waste, is it highlights the potential of recycling plastics industry in Spain.
The legislative changes will represent often pressure to industries by procedure and obligations arising from its compliance with
On the other hand the legislative changes will represent often pressure to industries by procedure and obligations arising from their implementation, as the case of the Reach Regulation, and market opportunities in others, such as the repeal of Royal Decree 142/88 of 25 November ending with the prohibition of the use of recycled material in the food sector.
However, these opportunities are not exempt from control. The new Regulation (EC) 282/2008 requires the authorization of processes for recycling those plastics that will be in contact with food. Only the combination of the characteristics of the input, the classification efficiency and the effectiveness of the process of reducing pollution, together with a defined use of recycled plastic guarantee the safety of the materials and recycled plastic.
Also on the first day were other applications, such as the madera-plástico where recycled plastics can today represent a viable alternative to the Virgin material, which has experienced a growth in price that difficulties for certain applications of production in terms of profitability.
Foremost industries
During the second day we are approaching the current situation of processed plastics sector with particular emphasis on type industries, the difficult economic situation facing Europe and which is reflected in all sectors. Nevertheless, and despite the difficult times, thinking in terms of potential there is no doubt that the important contribution of the sector of recycling of plastic materials to the environment, together with new markets in which these matters are application allows to look to the future with optimism. Between the presentations of this second day, was the presence of one of most significant type plastics industries in the Valencian Community, plastic Montisón, moved to the recycled range of new technical polymers present whose properties substantially improve the existing as well as remittances from problems posed to certain applications. Likewise, the participation of the company Iberian Weidner emphasized the role that has, in new products of high market acceptance, the application of recycled materials in sectors such as urban furniture, automotive, the wine industry or the environment.
The Avep organized the first international seminar on the impact of European regulations on applications of recycled plastics.
Related Companies or Entities
Asociación Valenciana de Empresarios de Plástico
Instituto Tecnológico del Embalaje, Transporte y Logística - Itene