Interview to David Gatell, manager of DMG MORI Iberian
In addition to the quality of his equipment, one of the strong points of the multinational germano-Japanese DMG MORI, specialised in the manufacture of machine-tool, is the immediacy. “We have a wide offer of machines of high available quality in the short term”, affirms David Gatell, manager of
David Gatell, manager of DMG MORI Iberian.
Why it thinks that his customers decant by his equipment?
Ours machines offer a big quality, precision and reliability, and adapt to the distinct needs of the customer and are a good investment. Besides, we have a service of maintenance highly qualified and an excellent service of spare parts. On the other hand, the customer also values appearances like the robustness, the precision and the prestige of the mark.
And it thinks that it takes into account the country in which it manufactures ? It appreciates it?
Of course. Our machines manufacture mainly in Japan and Germany, where have diverse centres of production.
With the crisis, has changed the customer?
The economic situation that are living has done that our customers are more demanding to the hour to buy equipment. They purchase what need in the moment, and therefore they value a lot the immediacy. We have of a wide offer of machines of high quality DMG MORI available in the short term.
Now that mentions the economic situation. What can say us of her? How it affects him to the sector?
Seems that little by little the sector is surpassing this crisis in which it has seen immersed. I think that it is very positive that this backstitch was of staggered form.
Showroom Of DMG MORI Iberian in Barcelona.
You develop equipment of milling and mandrinado. Which would stand out?
One of our products crashes is the one of mechanised to 5 axles and mechanised of high production. Likewise, the sector in general has evolved a lot in the last years, especially regarding linear motors refers .
Which thinks that are the challenges of the market in the actuality?
Definitely, the find clear and simple forms of financials.
And the tendencies?
The Just in time. In this sense, DMG MORI has of machines of high quality to the instant.