ABB Launches his new solution to reduce the broadcasts of CO2 in the industrial state
31 May 2013
Reduce the broadcasts and save costs in the industry improving the performance is the premise with which
The converters ACS880 are compatible with practically any type of process, system of automation, user and requirement of business, and have been designed to work with any application with motors, in any sector. They can adapt to the specific needs of industries like the oil and of the gas, mining, metallurgical, chemical, cementera, nautics and the head offices of generation of power, the manipulation of materials, pasta and paper, and wood. They have designed to control a wide range of applications like cranes, extruders, cabrestantes, bobinadoras, stravel transportadoras, mixers, compressesors, pumps and fans.
The contribution of the frequency converters to the sustainable industrial development is of maximum importance, since —to way of example— his utilisation can allow to Europe a saving of until 202.000 million kilowatts/hour, what equivale to a decrease of 10.000 million annual euros in the costs of exploitation every year.