
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Competitividad, innovación y productividad suenan como palabras mágicas para superar con éxito la crisis actual
Plans of future in Hexagon Metrology

Competitiveness, innovation and productivity sound like magic words to surpass successfully the current crisis

Editorial Intempresas27/12/2012
These words are an all lemma in Hexagon Metrology. The company presented in September happened his new corporate image and, of simultaneous form, set up new plans of future to consolidate his position of leadership in the peninsular market of the metrology. Changes that already initiated in March of 2011 with the inauguration of the new Technical Centre and factory of Hexagon Metrology Vitoria and that now have continuity with extension that is realising of the Centre of Precision of Hexagon Metrology, installed in the Technological Park of the Vallés, in Barcelona.

As it affirms Jordi Edo, director of Hexagon Metrology for Spain and Portugal: “Our aim keeps on being to help to our customers to produce with more quality, to know his productive processes, to supply him valuable information that allow him improve of constant way. In Hegaxon Metrology innovamos day in day out so that this information was faster, and if possible integrated cheese cheese in the same productive process, so that of efficient and clear form facilitate to the companies like discovering and warn his problems quickly, being able to take decisions in this regard”.

The sector of the industrial metrology has suffered important changes in the last years. Numerous technologies incorporate of form imparable to the stage of the three-dimensional measurement. On the one hand the new portable technologies: the laser trackers, the arms articulated and the photogrammetry facilitate the process to measure there where this the piece; On the other hand the new technologies of massive catchment of precision like the sensors laser or fotogramétricos are changing the form to measure. To measure points in piece and obtain results of interactive form to capture the information of precise and back way evaluation of the results. It is a really significant change with innumerable consequences in the processes of manufacture. This change has come accompanied of improvements in the software that allow the conversion of this massive information in ‘information accionable'.

“Think that nowadays if these devoted to accelerate and improve the productive processes is really complicated to do it of way limited, specialising you in some technology or using technologies of third. In Hegaxon Metrology think that all the technologies devoted are interwoven and that exist enormous synergies in his application, this requires to have capacity to control your innovation and R&D. You can not devote you ‘only' to the portable metrology, only to the static metrology or to sell software. The industrial metrology is a ‘all'. Where require able suppliers to face the problems with different technologies, capacity and ease to interweave them and especially a good capacity to have a structure of service near of the customer that allow to apply them of effective form. To these challenges have to add the increasingly necessary capacity to attend to the customers of global form”.

Jordi Edo, general director of Hexagon Metrology, explains that “you can not devote you ‘only' to the portable metrology...
Jordi Edo, general director of Hexagon Metrology, explains that “you can not devote you ‘only' to the portable metrology, only to the static metrology or to sell software. The industrial metrology is a ‘all'”.

A very significant case that illustrates perfectly what comments Jordi Edo is the group Gestamp, one authenticates industrial locomotive, opening or purchasing new industrial plants to a frantic rhythm all over the world and integrating vertically his processes, hardly can depend on different suppliers and dispersos. Gestamp Needs competitive providers, multi-technological, with able world-wide presence to implant a coherent strategy of control of manufacture for all the needs.

“Create honestly that Hexagon Metrology has a position of leadership in the industrial metrology of our country. Our vocation of service, the fact to be able to contribute ‘something more' that the simple distribution of products with our factory of Vitoria and the fact to have of the portafolio of own technologies more extensive, do of Hexagon Metrology an attractor trucks company for our customers. We will not leave to put all our obstinacy in this, are engaged in exerting our paper to do more competitive the companies of our country”.

The plans of future of Hexagon Metrology S.A. happen to level of company for following innovando. To part of the new plant of production and services of Vitoria that inaugurated the past year, in brief go to initiate the works for almost duplicate the surface of the Centre of Precision in Cerdanyola of the Vallés. This extension will give fit to a new laboratory of maintenance and certification of portable equipment, a new space of services of measurement and a big area devoted to the demonstration and development of projects R&D focalizado in the application of the new automatic technologies of measurement without contact. “It is evident that the effort required so much to corporate level as to local level is titanic and more taking into account the economic uncertainties of the moment. Only I can say that we trust the development of our industry and that moves us the passion to have clear our paper”.

Hexagon Metrology Develops of new systems of measurement automated by photogrammetry
Hexagon Metrology Develops of new systems of measurement automated by photogrammetry.

The important acquisition of Intergraph by part of Hexagon has supposed the creation of the division of Technology devoted to the design and the visualisation of data, this has carried to a necessary strategic redesign and a timely unification of the corporate image that answers to the current challenges that pose us. “I think that it is a technological image, modern and ranged with our mission and our values. It is an important effort that develop with illusion”.

The mission of Hexagon Metrology is to create ‘information accionable' through the measurement and visualisation of data do it spending 10% of our volume of business and 16% of employees devoted to R&D. 70 companies purchased. More than 12.000 employees all over the world and direct presence in 43 countries. “In the Iberian peninsula have lived a spectacular change in the last years where have happened of suppliers of MMC's to facilitadores of information accionable through equipment of measurement, software, sensors, services, engineering, etc. Always being near of the customer, no only distributing and giving service but building solutions to measure for the customer. Our philosophy of innovation and the experience accumulated in our country has carried us to be leading in the development of solutions of measurement without contacts entirely automated. We do it being almost totally integrated cheese cheese vertically this means that we realise from the engineering, the construction of toolings, integration of industrial robots with the most modern technologies of positioning and measurement of precision, using systems of laser tracker and of photogrammetry of high speed”.

For the general director of the signature, “the vocation of service...
For the general director of the signature, “the vocation of service, the fact to contribute ‘something more' that the simple distribution of products and have of the portafolio of own technologies more extensive do of Hexagon Metrology an attractor trucks company for our customers”.

Like conclusion, about the current moment of the metrology, Jordi Edo affirms that “I Have learnt that you scheme them of control of quality, dimensional in our case, is the best productive investment and the first that it would have to consider to strategic level. Never we will be able to manufacture at all better that that that can measure. I have seen big number of manufacturers with spectacular productive means but unable to achieve a stable quality and also have seen manufacturers with normal ‘means' but able to squeeze them to the maximum. The key is to know at all times what are doing and go in in a loop of constant improvement, this way to do, this philosophy of work carries to the companies that apply it to the maximum competitiveness. The crisis is less crisis for these companies”.

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