
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Estudio sobre el efecto en la salud de los alimentos enriquecidos

Study on the effect in the health of the foods enriched


3 December 2013


Understand better the profits and mechanisms of action of the compounds bioactivos and his impact in the human health help to the development of better formulations of products enriched. Establish best practices for the manufacturing and commercialisation of this type of foods in plough of a better knowledge by part of the companies and greater approach to the consumer is one of the aims of the project Pathway-27 in which Ainia participates together with other 24 European partners. It treats to know in what measured these foods enriched can improve the health and the welfare of the people carrying out a study that uses three compounds bioactivos (sour docosahexaenoico DHA -, beta - glucano - BG, and antocianinas - AC) in three alimentary products usual in a common diet as they are the bread, a dairy product and the egg.

Every time is greater the incidence of the obesity so much in the population adult as in the childish, what derives in an increase of grave illnesses like the diabetes, the hypertension or diverse cardiopathies. Taking into account the influence of the diet in the health, exists a progressive interest so much of the organisms of public health as of the consumers for purchasing foods healthier. For the alimentary industry achieve better formulations of foods enriched supposes a challenge and a responsibility; from the election of the ingredient or compound bioactivo, until the commercialisation of the food in the linear of the supermarkets. On the base of the knowledges purchased, the project will develop a guide with the correct commercialisation of the products enriched with ingredients bioactivos, attending to the legal specifications of the European rule on statements of healthy and nutritional properties. The project will contribute big value to the small and medium enterprises of the alimentary industry approaching the innovative potential and favouring his competitiveness. In this sense, Ainia, inside the frame of actions of the project, works in the work of diffusion of the knowledge and technology transfer.

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Ainia Centro Tecnológico

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