Carl Zeiss Iberia, S.L. - Coordinate measuring machines (three-dimensional)

Carl Zeiss Accura

Three-dimensional machine: able to measure in high speed, of economic form, precise and flexible

Picture of Three-dimensional machine
The systematic implementation of the distinct demands of different customers in the last times has been for Carl Zeiss the main challenge in the creation of the new three-dimensional machine Accura. This concept of machine is a system of measurement multisensory, able to measure in high speed, of economic form, precise and flexible.

Well it treat to measure prismatic pieces, of free form, in plastic or steel – all the options of the technology of measurement by coordinates are available. The Accura allows the integration of the technology Mass of Carl Zeiss. In combination with a cabezal articulated RDS, Mass allows a fast exchange between the distinct sensors of palpado by contact and the optical type ViScan and LineScan while it runs a cycle CNC automatic.

Rank of selectable Temperature (20-26 °C). The Accura is able to operate with the maximum provision and precision in a wide rank of temperatures between 20 and 26 °C.

It allows a dynamic measurement, precise and safe. Thanks to his new rigid structure and light manufactured in Carat the Accura can reach vectorial speeds until 800 mm/sg by axis (50% more than other three-dimensional machines).