Carl Zeiss Iberia, S.L. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Carl Zeiss Iberia, S.L.
Ronda de Poniente, 5
28760 Tres Cantos (Madrid) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑912033700   +34‑912033774   +34‑912033735  
Manufacturers of optics and optoelectronical

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Carl Zeiss Iberia, S.L.

The Group Carl Zeiss was cream in 1846 in the population of Jena, ancient east Germany.

Carl Zeiss is a group of companies leader that operates all over the world in the optical and optoelectronical industry.

Carl Zeiss AG has his central headquarters in Oberkochen, Germany. Each area of business, eight in total, operates under his own responsibility and finds generally positioned in first or second place in the strategic markets of solutions and medical investigation, industrial solutions and products of lifestyle. These offer products and services for the investigation biomédica and medical technology, solutions and systems for the industries semiconductoras, of automotive sector and of mechanical engineering, as well as products of consumption of high quality such like lens for cameras and binoculares.

The division of industrial metrology created in the year 1919 and from 1973 focused his production in the design and manufacture of three-dimensional machines. Likewise, it offers all type of services of measurement, digitalisation and reverse engineering to the industry.

During the fiscal exercise 2009/2010 (that it finalised on 30 September), the Group Carl Zeiss generated income by 2,98 billion of euros, an increase of 42% on the previous year (2,1 billion). In Carl Zeiss, work almost 30.000 people. The Group finds represented directly in more than 30 countries and possesses installations of production in Europe, America and Asia. It is available additional information in