Carl Zeiss Iberia, S.L. - Probes and dimensional sensors

Palpadores Of diamond: for the scan of hard surfaces and soft alloys

Picture of Palpadores Of diamond
The scanned of surfaces extremely hard always ocasionaba big wears in the sphere of the palpador. Especially with ceramics of carbide of silicon or with pieces in whose surfaces still remain rests of abrasive of previous processed, the spheres wear out with greater rapidity. This comports to have to realise continuously controls and/or changes of the palpadores.

The palpadores of diamond of Carl Zeiss 3D Automation have achieved to solve this problem. We manufacture palpadores with diameter of sphere of 1 to 3 mm using the hardest material of the world: the gross diamond; with which achieves multiply the time of life of the palpadores. The systems of palpado no longer have to be calibrated so often and all the process of measurement remains ensured.

When scanning pieces manufactured from alloys of soft aluminium, are used to to create adherencias of material in the sphere of the palpador that can influence in the results of the measurement. Like consequence, the users have to control, clean and substitute the palpadores often, what generates time improductivos that subtract him availability to the machine. The palpadores of diamond prevent the adherencias, ensuring the maximum availability and stability to his team.