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“The Spanish companies that devote to the olive oil find between the first places of the international echelon”

Interview to Alberto López, director of Oleotec and Oleomaq

Javier García25/01/2013
A year more, Fair of Saragossa will gather in Oleomaq and Oleotec the last novelties regarding machinery and solutions for the treatment of the oil, the processed of the olive and the bottled, among others equipment and indispensable products for the good development of this industry in our country. Alberto López, director of both fairs, explains what will give of yes in this edition the living rooms, that erigen, as it sustains, in “the platform of despegue of the sector”.
Alberto López, director of Oleotec and Oleomaq
Alberto López, director of Oleotec and Oleomaq.

Which figures will register the present edition of Oleotec and Oleomaq

Taking into account the sum of synergies between the oil and the wine, find us with a contest that presents 45.000 metres of technical content and more than 1.000 marks represented. All this complemented with some technical days of the best level.

How many professional will enjoy of this offer?

Definitely, the living rooms linked to the oil have supposed, from his set up, a big catchword for the professionals of the sector oleícola. It treats of an appointment that contributes innovation and that supposes a revulsivo for the market, that expects to the celebration of our living rooms to know, at first hand, what bakes in this segment.

In the past edition, celebrated in February of 2011, more than 23.000 professionals bet by the living rooms of Fair of Saragossa, in an appointment that finalised with a good final balance and in which good part of the display units present in the contest affirmed to have surpassed his expectations. Oleomaq And Oleotec characterise by his innovation and by a big commercial diary that, during the four days of length of the contest see compensated with the influx of public and the answer of the companies.

Arguments of weight to assist to the fair…

Yes, but the arguments are not others that the enormous quality expositiva that does very attractor trucks the visit of the professionals, as well as the enormous potential of the companies that exhibit his products and innovations in the frame of the living rooms. Our argumentario bases in facts and in realities, by what the professionals are the first connoisseurs of the potentiality of our living rooms.

Besides, of the part expositiva and merely commercial, the 45.000 square metres of exhibition serve to give to know the innovations and the projects that will mark the future of the machinery vitivinícola and oleícola. It is necessary to stand out, likewise, the zone congresual, where llevar important debates and presentations that improve the technicians of collected and bottled of the oil.

The subjects that mark the actuality of the sector

The program of days, conferences and debates designs especially for each edition and with the perspective to be “a forum that contribute to improve the productive systems and of business for the companies”. Like this, of the 12 to 15 February 2013, in the installations of Fair of Saragossa will analyse some of the subjects that mark the actuality of the sector, such as the aroma, flavour and quality and, other days in which, in addition to the theoretical part, will llevar workshops and activities for catar and analyse new oils. “Treats to contribute to the profit of the market thanks to the analysis and the vision of the experts. All this will take place in the area of congresses of Fair of Saragossa”, explains Alberto López.

On the other hand, the Spanish Federation of Enólogos, will realise, in the space designated like the Corner of the Enólogo, an important number of activities that no only will have like epicentre the world of the wine, but also the one of the oil. “Want to create a space for the teacher of almazara, in addition to presenting other a lot of surprises that do not have to lose”.

And which technical novelties will present in these 45.000 square metres that comments?

The last innovations in machinery for the treatment of the oil and machinery for the processed of the olive, the machinery of the bottled, the material of laboratory for analysis or the storage, as well as the products agroquímicos and his application for the olivo, the poda, the machines of recolección more advanced, the tractors or the transport and manipulated of the olive will offer the best alternative to the professionals. Of the 12 to 15 February, work to orient in the necessary improvements to improve the quality of the work and the production of the present marks.

For this new edition have continued with our ascending path and, in this way, will follow with the tendency of the past years, but always incorporating new elements that do more attractor trucks the presence in the pavilions feriales. The catas and the can know, in situ, some of the peculiarities of the best oil of the world only is possible if it visits Fair of Saragossa during these four days. I am convinced that the announcement of 2013 of Olomaq and Oleotec goes to suppose a total revulsivo for the market and this will be, with total hygiene, the year of the despegue of these living rooms.

López stands out “the enormous quality expositiva” of Oleotec and Oleomaq
López stands out “the enormous quality expositiva” of Oleotec and Oleomaq.

Both fairs celebrate in parallel and sharing spaces with two fairs devoted to the technology and the machinery of the wine. Why?

Because the experience has showed us, and like this also did it to us know the sector, that treats of two economic segments that, in spite of his differences and peculiarities, have common shots and of which retroalimentan. Our aim is not another that the offer a common professional stage that serve to contribute greater value added to our companies, by what the conjoint celebration of these new appointments with others already consecrated serves to generate a greater possibility of business.

The binomial oil and wine presents important common points, due to the fact that the sectors vitivinícola and oleícola have a big similarity of equipment to elaborate both products and, in a lot of cases, the producers coincide.

Is important to improve the synergies that there is between the wine and the oil, by what our living rooms no only compenetran, but they offer solutions of present and, of course, of future.

Missions inversas

The program of Commercial Missions will be one of the strategic points of face to the externalización for the companies and Spanish signatures. It treats of an initiative that treats to improve the relations between countries and that, as it explains the director of the fairs, “every year supposes a new challenge for the opening of markets for our products”.

In this edition, more than 60 delegations of seven countries will concentrate the Reverse Missions. Of them it is necessary to stand out the presence of the north countries of Africa that situate beside the Mediterranean. It treats of Algeria, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Syria and Tunisia. All they have a climatology that makes possible the production of oil, whose conditions are inmejorables. “Is a way to be able to approach postures between new markets that need of technology and positioning, to the time that supposes an interesting business for the Spanish companies”, sustains Alberto López.

The climatic change has brought new pathologies and plagues for the olivar. What will offer the fair in this sense?

The fairs, like professional and technological shop window of the sector, have to be able to answer to the new demands and needs that arise and that poses us the market. Thus, thanks to the presence of the most important companies of the international plane, Oleomaq and Oleotec go to be the faithful reflection of the reality of the national and world-wide market. Of course that we are conscious of the need to reflect the sectorial reality and, in this sense, have to treat to offer answers that suppose a profit for the companies and for the sector in general. Subjects like the climatic change and the new plagues to which have to face up the olivareros are, undoubtedly, subjects of big importance that will be tackled, so much from the technical days and parallel congresses to the living room as from the signatures that participate in the zone expositiva.

Alberto López...
Alberto López: “we Work for keeping the consolidation of the appointment of Saragossa like an important centre of the sector to national and international level”.

What thinks that can do both fairs by the sector olivar of our country?

The fairs are an element dinamizador of the market and a commercial tool of prime importance that it helps us to position us in the international market. By this reason, the success of the celebration of these contests roots in that it treats of an only initiative of Fair of Saragossa, in which the set up of the living rooms serves like element of feedback.

Besides, between the multiple profits that give off of the celebration of Oleomaq and Oleotec stands out a double slope: so much for the signatures expositoras, that can see increased his production and his international presence, as for the visitors, since in a same place will be able to find two areas diversified but with a big number of common shots. It is, therefore, a form to improve the sector olivarero and position it in a more international market.

Spain is the main world-wide producer of olive oil, but is competitive ours technology for the olivo and the oil in the outside?

The technology olivícola Spanish is totally competitive and finds between the best of the world, to the equal that occurs with the Spanish sector. Have a product of big quality that has a mark coined and respected in the external market. This is due to that the technology is the appropriate and that the Spanish producers have known to give to know and export the oil to the best tables.

Which are our virtues?

Between the main advantages of the Spanish oil stands out his excellent relation quality-price, that does that our ‘liquid gold' was one of the best valued and that have a big number of followers all over the world. In these moments, thanks to the investment in technology and the opening to the outside, the Spanish companies that devote to the olive oil find between the first places of the international echelon.

To what new markets can expand our manufacturers of machinery and technology for the olivo?

Definitely, have to put our look in emergent markets and countries that begin to generate new needs and that they have to be satisfied with quality. It treats of markets that, in the last years and especially in the next decade, will suppose one of the pillars of our export, so much in machinery and technology as in final product.

Refer me to Brazil, where his GDP and per capita income have grown of way imparable from does a decade and that will turn into consumers of products of quality as it is the oil, at the same time that will arise needs like the one to produce his own product. Neither we can forget the Asian east, where countries of the size of China or Taiwan will suppose a very high point of sale, so much by the number of inhabitants as by his increase in products linked with the consumption. Other important countries, so much by the sale of the oil like product finished as by a point of sale of technology and machinery, are those that situate in the north of Africa where his climate and the conditions of the country do that they are strategic points for the Spanish market.

With what would give by satisfied in this new edition?

Consider that be, once again, the platform of despegue of the sector, as well as the forum of decision and debate are two of put them that, edition after edition, faces the celebration of the living rooms related with the wine and the oil. We are conscious of the difficulties that cross the companies, as well as his little accessibility to the credit. By this same reason, work for keeping the consolidation of the appointment of Saragossa like an important centre of the sector to national and international level. My aim is not another that treat that the companies participants and the thousands of professionals that visit us go with the feeling that it has been worth it to participate in Enomaq, Tecnovid, Oleomaq, Oleotec and Fruyver. All what do part of the sector and has like destination favour it and contribute him all the necessary elements to improve his information, equipment and services.

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