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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Procesos de producción para la automoción y otras industrias
No outsourcing to other companies for the completion of the pieces

Production processes for the automotive and other industries

Drafting MU15/10/2003
In 1957 Tramex, treatments and machining Extremadura, s.l., started his business management oriented towards the world of the automotive industry, covering also other branches of industry. Its deployment goals, channelled through strategies aimed at achieving the best ratio quality / price, have always been the argument distinguishing in facing the present and future developments. Tramex, after thirty-four years of presence in the market for the manufacture of high precision parts, cascaded the Decade of the 1990s as a consolidated entity and an efficient organization.
Rings seat valves, seat furniture dishes, washers
Rings seat valves, seat furniture dishes, washers.
Dependencies, rationally designed, are home to the departments of control of quality, correction, heat and surface treatments, machining and technical projects. All material, before the manufacturing process, through control of receipt of raw materials, which are accepted or rejected, which intensifies the guarantee and transmits customer reliability on the product purchased.
Due to the centralization of the whole process of manufacturing and distribution do not need to outsource other companies for the finishing of parts,
enabling you to meet all deadlines
Tramex guarantees this control thanks to the use of detectors of cracks, rugosímetros, durometer ratings, microscopes, scales, meters of layers and a full team of measurement and testing. An effective organization controls the entire process of manufacturing and distribution, allowing that delivery times are met perfectly not need other companies outsourcing to the finished parts. All this is carried out because they have powerful thermal treatment equipment for furnace or induction, drills, milling machines, CNC lathes for 1st and 2nd operations, automatic lathes, threading, welding, recalcadoras, presses and grinders to exteriors and interiors.

Updated production systems, as well as planning of the product, quality control through statistical processes, Manual of quality Control, and Control end enabling them to guarantee a severe concerted quality.

Taquets, bolt, piston, axes of seesaws, axes of decompression, regulatory axes, axes of variation, bolts, pins, intermediate pieces...
Taquets, bolt, piston, axes of seesaws, axes of decompression, regulatory axes, axes of variation, bolts, pins, intermediate pieces.
In addition, the company is subject to several annual audits by its clients to ensure their forms of production and control prior to the delivery of their products.

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