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The world of the bar-cutting lives good moments in Alta Saboya (France)

Simodec 2012 evokes the good times of the MH

Esther Güell14/03/2012

14 March 2012

They closed or no agreements, the true is that give a turn by Simodec, living room devoted to the bar-cutting celebrated of the 6 to 9 March in Roche south Foron, in the valley of the Arve (France), remembered the good times of the sector of the machine-tool in Spain. There they did not remain empty chairs and, go in paint and cover, the projects happened hand-held in hand.

Was not a multitudinous fair, but neither was the aim. The companies prefer lower influx but of greater quality, with solvent projects and financials that can do them reality. The runrún of people mixed with the estruendo of machines working, full demonstration of the power of attraction of the living room from first hour of the day. It will be able to it BIEMH collect the witness?

In Simodec could see old marks known in the Spanish market: DMG-Mori Seiki, Okuma, Mikron, Siemens, Traub, Giuliani, Awea, Lathes, Esco, Hermle, Amada, Stäubli, Kuka, Haas, Mazak, Emco, Akira-Seiki, LNS, Chironinging, Fanuc, Schunk, Castrol Industrial, Henkel, Hexagon, Iscar, Biglia, Nakamura-Take, in addition to Danobat, that assisted for the first time like expositor to Simodec with a machine devoted to the rectified, and the company with headquarters in the Parc Tecnològic of the Vallès of Cerdanyola (Barcelona) MCV, Machines of Control Vision. And it is that Simodec wants to cover all that related with the bar-cutting but also the services that the companies can need without forgetting the learning, with the space Smile.

The appearance of the stands gave a very positive vision of the fair
The appearance of the stands gave a very positive vision of the fair.

Smile, the living room of the industrial jobs and the companies

Of parallel way to Simodec, of the 6 to 9 March some 2.000 students of secondary, accompanied by his professors, could know to the professionals in situ, discover and experience with the real companies.

This fourth edition bet by the innovation with an exhibition ‘High Tech' unpublished in his more than 110 square metres. The aim no only was to show to the youngsters the challenges of the innovation but also show them some of the true jewels of high technology like part of his day in day out.

In Smile simulated 13 jobs trying like this show the functions and the relation between the different operations.

In Smile the aim is to approach the industrial world and of the bar-cutting to young students
In Smile the aim is to approach the industrial world and of the bar-cutting to young students.

A very promising record

In 2011 the sector of the bar-cutting beat all the records. The companies situated in Alta Saboya (of 20 employees or more) saw to increase his sales until 35% in the third quarter with regard to the same period of 2009, according to data of the Medef (Movement of companies of France).

Thus, and to end to look for new opportunities and services that contemplate the needs of the companies, in this edition of 2012, Simodec presented with some novelties for his more than 250 display units, pertinent of all the sectors related with the bar-cutting: machines-tools, metrology, tooling, technology, industrial supply, environingingment, accessories for cleaning and degrease, hygiene, maintenance of machinery, etc. All they are conscious that now more than ever this profession can not lose cohesion neither imagination to face up to the coyuntura so much national like European. A cohesion in which they play an important paper all the actors of the world of the bar-cutting to prepare the postcrisis.

The health of the bar-cutting in France translated in this living room
The health of the bar-cutting in France translated in this living room.

A tradition that comes of far

300 years of history separate the current industry of the bar-cutting of the first works of watchmaking in the High Saboya in the 18th century. In 1720 Claude Ballaloud, after perfecting his technician in Nuremberg, installed in Saint Sigismond, forming to his time to an important number of artisans. It was cream a profession. The industry relojera expands by all the Faucigny and, on the eve of the French Revolution, explained already 115 relojeros delivered between 16 municipalities.

In 1848 was cream the National School of Watchmaking, whose influence transforms the art of the watchmaking in an industry. The lathe to pedals leaves his place to the automatic by gears, moved by the kinetical power of the torrents.

The fast evolution of the electricity, and the eclosión of the new industries that required of metallic pieces (bicycles, motorcycles, trucks, telephones, etc.) were giving place, progressively, to the birth of the bar-cutting properly.

If the period of between wars marked a before and in afterwards in the systems of transport, the electricity and the communications, the back 30 years (the ‘30 glorious') between 1945 and 1975 the world of the bar-cutting lived a true boom.

Is precisely in this period, in 1954, when it saw the light what would be the ancestor of Simodec, a living room with vocation clearly commercial that gathered to all the providers and manufacturers of machines-tool of bar-cutting. Approved like commercial fair on 18 August 1973, under the denomination of Samodec (Living room of the machine-tool of bar-cutting), obtained in December of 1997 the qualification of international fair, changing the nomenclature to his current denomination: Simodec.

At present, the industry of the bar-cutting uses materials of avant-garde and gives service a wide variety of markets, so with the aim to stand out these advances and innovative technologies, Simodec 2012 organised, for the first time, the ‘Trophies of the innovation'.

Trophies of the innovation

This edition, Simodec wanted to show the innovation that there is behind the market of the machine-tool for bar-cutting, recompensando the companies expositoras. Like this, the first edition of the ‘Trophies of the innovation' supposed a perfect shop window to give to know in front of the assistants the last novelties of the companies.

The prizes of this year went stops:

  • Machine-tool for bar-cutting: Index France SARL, that has resolved an important challenge for the multiejes with the Index MS 22/08, the first lathe CNC to 8 axles and that allows the mechanised of pieces extremely complex and of economic form.
  • Other machines-tool: the prize recayó in the society Cyclos/Lathes S.A. by the machine Cyclos, that supposes a step forward regarding treatment of surfaces.
  • Material and equipment of cutting: Fuchs resulted winner in this category by his novelty Anticorit, a fluent anticorrosión that combines the best technical performance with a greater respect by the health of the workers and of the environingingment.
  • Accessories: also recayó in Fuchs, in this occasion by his material of maintenance Livecase.
  • Machines of measurement and control: Keyence France has obtained this prize by his system of dimensional measurement by image IM-6500.
  • Services to the industry and software: Quasar Solutions remained in first position by his connector copiloto Quasar, that combines the supervisory Copilot Pro, software developed by CTDEC, with the module SPC through an only and simple interface.
  • Simodec Of Gold: this category comes to reward the best machine of between all the presented to the ‘Trophies of the innovation'. In this first edition, said galardón recayó in the Cyclos, presented by the Swiss signature Lathes, “by his unprecedented combination of productivity, stability, quality and uniformity”.

Fits to stand out that Spidi Rollier has been chosen by the presses in this edition by his system Mowidec-TT that has revolutionised the centred of axis of the tool”.

Lathes attained, with the Cyclos, the prize in the category reigns of the Trophies, Simodec of Gold...
Lathes attained, with the Cyclos, the prize in the category reigns of the Trophies, Simodec of Gold, in addition to the galardón in the section ‘Other machines-tool'.

Expansion 2020. Aim: dinamizar the industrial fabric

Like other professional living rooms, Simodec posed also a program of conferences that, in the day 7 March, versaba on the project Expansion 2020, focused to dinamizar the industrial fabric of the bar-cutting French for the next 10 years. The ambition of the project is to attain that the ‘ecosystem' of the bar-cutting French was an authentic macroempresa international leader for the promising markets of growth for the next years, to end to reach the marked aims that supposes an increase in the figure of business, the quota of export, the number of employees and the R&D. To fulfil these aims, Expansion 2020 articulates in four basic points: conquer markets, innovar, attract the talent and fund the development.

On the other hand, the Thursday 8 March the day treated on the subject of the healthy and sustainable cleaning, organised by CTDEC, the Technical Centre of the Bar-cutting and in which it took part the Pole of the Arve —a pole of competitiveness specialised in the industry of precision and that groups some 274 companies—. Said day served to present the results of the study promoted by the CTDEC and finalised in 2011 on the ‘healthy cleaning in the SME of Alta Saboya' and whose results are highly positive, according to his impulsores. By means of the set up of 10 pilot proofs, has checked an important reduction of the annual consumption of dissolvent CMR: until 50 tonnes of tricloroetileno and 18 of percloroetileno. Likewise, the economic balances show that there is not reason to leave it here: the replacement of the dissolvent dangerous in ancient machines provides a return of the investment and some interesting gains regarding productivity.

The days and conferences had a big assistance of public, interested in the project Expansion 2020 and the program of healthy cleaning...
The days and conferences had a big assistance of public, interested in the project Expansion 2020 and the program of healthy cleaning.

Alta Saboya, capital of the bar-cutting

France leads the world-wide market of the bar-cutting with a total of 905 companies that employ to 19.000 workers and reaching a figure of business of more than 2.000 million euro, of which 23% corresponds to direct export.

However, Alta Saboya stands out between all the French regions because it groups 68,9% of the companies of the sector. In this zone these companies found a perfect enclave for his activity, converting the Valley of the Arve in ‘the technological Valley', between Mont-Blanc and Ginebra. The data like this it avalan:

  • Concentrates more than 800 SMEs of outsourcing and near of 400 specialised in the bar-cutting.
  • More than 8.000 employees working in the bar-cutting
  • A figure of business (2010) of 1.800 million euros (+29% with regard to 2009)
  • Some 600 companies
  • A tax of export of 34%
The services to companies also had his space delimited in Simodec, with companies of recycled, extinction of fires, advertising, cartelería, etc...
The services to companies also had his space delimited in Simodec, with companies of recycled, extinction of fires, advertising, cartelería, etc.

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