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Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en Röhm cumple 100 años basados en la calidad
Created in 1909 in Germany, he still committed by quality products and the ability to adjust the standard to individual needs

Röhm celebrates 100 years based on the quality

Ibon Linacisoro15/07/2009

July 15, 2009

Röhm is one of those companies that always "sound". Without doubt, his 100 years in the market are one of the reasons that everyone knows. It is true that age, on their own, are not much, but if they are in that they represent a company's capacity to adapt to changing situations on the market, to ever more demanding needs. Nowadays, Röhm is one of the leading global manufacturers of fasteners. We take the presence of its Director General and CEO, Michael Fried, Spain to interview him along with John j. Atienza, managing director of the Spanish subsidiary and Manuel Martinez, director of sales of the German company.

Röhm was created 100 years ago in 1909. Like so many other stories of success, in origin is a family and, in fact, Röhm GmbH remains a family business. That Yes, with some 1,900 employees and a turnover of EUR 183 million. At the end of 2007 the Röhm family moved away from the operating business and since 2008 there is an external management.

Aerial view of the factory of Sontheim
Aerial view of the factory of Sontheim.

In general terms, Röhm is one of the three major manufacturers of fasteners in the world. In the field of the Chuck, for example, has about 15% of global market share. Offers 8 product groups, comprising Michael Fried, because of its importance, into three main sections: the Chuck, the standard program, which is marketed through the industrial supply and special solutions. These three sections complete, almost in equal shares, the total turnover of the group.

The range of Röhm

Röhm product groups are as follows:


-fixed points and front clocked

-plates of lathe

-JAWS (for CNC and conventional machines)

-handling systems

-mooring systems

-expandable tubes

-systems of tools with shank hollow cone for mooring and tooling change

-special solutions

Röhm exports 50% of its production to around the world, but this figure could be higher since many kits sold in Germany just installed in factories outside this country.

In its internationalization undoubtedly influences the creation of subsidiaries in major industrialized countries, among them Spain, where Röhm Iberian brings all these elements of subject to Spanish customer. There are also branches in United Kingdom, France, Switzerland, Italy, United States, Brazil and Denmark.

Outside Europe, in addition to its commitment to China through a joint venture, Brazil also occupies a prominent place in his facet as exporting. "We are in Brazil, for 50 years - says Michael Fried and even had a factory of Chuck that we decided to close, because we now supply to Brazil from China." "However, we just created a new company for marketing in Brazil and in the medium term will build a factory."

Michael Fried, Director General and CEO of Röhm, in a time of the interview with MetalUnivers-Interempresas
Michael Fried, Director General and CEO of Röhm, in a time of the interview with MetalUnivers-Interempresas.

Between 10 and 15% of its turnover comes from Asia.

The main manufacturing is carried out in three Germany plants: Sontheim, with 1,200 workers, Dillingen 350 workers and Sant Georgen. It also has a production plant in China, with over 100 employees, in this case through a joint venture 50-50 with the world's leading producer of Chuck in the world.

A factory in India and another in Slovakia, to provide to the factory of Dillingen, completing their productive capacities.

But the brain of all this is still in Germany, where all development takes place.

The market situation

That things are not well it is nothing new to anyone, but the head of Röhm begins to see the light at the end of the tunnel: "Thought that Asia, especially China and India, are already showing signs of improvement, in the same way as South America." "I am sure that in these areas will be changed by end of year".

Despite the fall of sales in the year 2009, the month of may saw an increase of sales. "We believe that we have touched the ground and that the situation will improve in the months of September or October." However, we do not have place ourselves at the same level as in 2006 until the year 2011 ".

In these circumstances and in an environment of aggressive competition, 100 years of Röhm influence very positively. On their experience and their commitment to quality, Michael Fried believes that "Röhm is known and lives not to devote to products of mass, in key sectors, but as a troubleshooter." When there are difficult jobs people come to Röhm. In Chuck Yes we are entering that war of mass products and we are prepared to do so, but make special solutions from standard parts is one of our specialties. "And we want to strengthen."

This is very different is in Asia? I.e. does it exist in Asia that need more individualized goods? In response to these questions, the steering of this multinational German believes that Asia is not only an accumulation of factories of low-cost and low quality. "Many machines that are bought in Europe are just moving to Asia because sold complete processes." The processes are introduced in Europe and then move completely to Asia. Right now the price is having much relevance in sales and will be difficult to achieve a level of reasonable price in the future. But we have a clear of differentiate ourselves by our quality philosophy. We believe that customers are willing to pay more for quality. Perhaps not much more, but it is a 10 or 15 percent more to ensure that they are buying has the quality you need. "Safety, quality, reduction of downtime... are advantages of our products that customers value".

Röhm in Spain

Spain Röhm has 26 years with offices, warehouse, Office design and capable of implementing changes and adaptations. "Above all, explains Juan j. Atienza - we have the experience and expertise to recommend to the client to be used at a certain time to resolve fabrications of parts." We have a test bench for tests, where we find the solutions that we are giving to Spanish clients. "In touch with our technicians of Germany we solve problems here, which gives us a great advantage".

(from left to right.) Manuel Martínez, director of sales, Michael Fried, and John j...
(from left to right.) Manuel Martínez, director of sales, Michael Fried, and John j. Atienza, managing director of the Spanish subsidiary, pose for MetalUnivers-Interempresas.

It's important work, because the Spanish market is characterised by adaptations of standard products to the point of turning them into individualised solutions. "The equipment is something evolutionary - continues Atienza - and us, we have been the innovation in the blood, we are very prepared and accustomed to these adaptations that always arise in the clients."

Manuel Martinez, the director of sales of the German company, well aware of the particular characteristics of the Spanish sector. Spanish origin provides you access to the needs of our market, where Röhm Iberian, with John j. Atienza leadership has a prominent presence.

Spanish clients value the quality of Röhm, as they claim both Atienza and Martínez. "Sure that we are also with those who want the quality of Röhm, but Asian priced." And it is obvious that this cannot be. "Anyway, despite the competition there is nobody who has a wide range of products so as that we offer".

Does future production in Europe?

"I believe that Yes, I am convinced that Europe has its site in the future, although it will not be as in the past years - says Michael Fried." In 2007 and 2008 there was an overheating of the European economy. There was too much capacity, but nevertheless I am sure that there is a gap for us. I think that the 'made in Europe' is still very important for our customers. If I think of a growth in the future as 2007 or 2008 I do not think the production capacities to become to build as it did. In the case of Röhm, I believe that we we must analyse what may occur in United States, for example, look at the potential of China or Russia, a country very, very important. In fact, I think that we have to start with the production in United States.

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Röhm Ibérica, S.A.

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