Schmersal Ibérica, S.L. - Industrial safety controller and modules

Protect PSC

Controller of hygiene: based in a modular design

Picture of Controller of hygiene

The Protect PSC is a controller of hygiene based in a modular concept that allows the exact adaptation to each individual requirement, offering to the user a big variety of possibilities to the hour to combine different entrances and exits. In this way, the user does not have to resort to controllers of excessive dimensions: with an alone controller of hygiene satisfy to perfection the concrete requirements. When it was necessary, is possible retro-install and integrate additional modules of entrances and exits in the global system without hardly effort neither expenses.

The Protect PSC can work with two ways of operation. The dependent version of the cableado does not require programming any: the functions of the system come determined by the disposal or sequence of the individual modules with regard to the main or secondary module. They exist several modules, for example, for signals of entrance without voltage or with semiconductors, as well as modules with exits of semiconductors and relays. In this way, the Protect PSC can evaluate the signals of all the types of devices of conmutación, like electromechanical switches, sensors of hygiene and protective elements opt-electronic.

The users that require a controller of hygiene with a greater flexibility and a capacity of optimum adaptation can take advantage of the possibilities of the way of programmable operation, in that all the entrances and exits of the system can assign by means of a programming language according to the norm IEC 61131. Likewise, it is possible to program logical functions like ‘And', ‘or' and other variables and can observe on line the conditions of operation of all the system.

A special appearance of the Protect PSC is the integration of the conventional functionalities of a PLC. They exist modules with entrances and independent exits of the system of hygiene that can assign to will programming them, in accordance with the norm IEC 61131. In this way it is possible prescindir of the PLC conventional and control all the functions and sequences of process of the machinery by means of the Protect PSC.