Schmersal Ibérica, S.L. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Schmersal Ibérica, S.L.
Rambla Países Catalanes, 12
08800 Vilanova i la Geltrú (Barcelona) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑938970906   +34‑902566457  
🖷:  +34‑933969750
hygiene of machinery, automation and technology for elevators

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Schmersal Ibérica, S.L.

From August 2005, Schmersal Iberian, S.L. It initiates his activities of supply of his products of hygiene of machinery, automation and devices for elevators, in Spain and Portugal.

From our headquarters, near of Barcelona, will coordinate the commercial activities, of marketing and logistical to offer the best service to our customers in all the Iberian Peninsula.

Like one of the most important manufacturers of products of the field for the hygiene of machinery, automation and technology for elevators, the wide fan of components arrives of switches and enclosures of hygiene, micro-switches, sensors, pulsadores and components of control via optical barriers, escaners, curtains of hygiene and compact controllers of hygiene until contacts of doors, components of positioning of elevators. Of course these products can go in in almost all the applications that require hygiene and/or automation, between them for example, machinery of packs and packaging, machine tool, team of vertical movement or applications that require robustness, like cementeras, airports, machine of construction or agriculture and much more…

50 years ago Schmersal produces products of high quality, taking into account always all the international and national rules corresponding to the sectors and applications. Of this form, ensure that the material is compatible in all application headed to the export, simplifying and reducing the cycles of development, planning and storage. By his extraordinary quality and in a lot of cases special provision, the products go in in the most demanding applications with regard to the environingingment.

A speciality of Schmersal is the development of solutions jointly with the customer to measure of his application.

The decision to work the Spanish and Portuguese market with own installations, arises to be convinced of the importance of the two economies and knowing that the customers of nowadays require increasingly frequently a better service, was of the availability, the agility in the formalities, located and personal documentation formed.

The company ELAN up to now distributed on the other hand in Spain, also forms part of the group Schmersal, and of course, so much the products, like the applications are very alike or of the same field, from now will be represented by Schmersal Iberian, S.L.

With own establishment, personal formed in the most industrialised zones and a network of collaborators and distributors, offer our services to the customers.