Schmersal Ibérica, S.L. -

Series AZ 05x / AZ 06x

Contacts for doors: of modular structure

Picture of Contacts for doors
The devices of the series AZ 05x / AZ 06x are some very compact contacts for doors of elevators that allow a perfect integration in any structure, although the operator of the door find in a space reduced.

The contacts for doors AZ 05x/ AZ 06x use like conmutadores of satisfied hygiene to the norm IN 81 for the supervision of the closing and the correct blockade of the doors. Manufacturers of elevators of all the world use these elements of low cost for other tasks of supervision, for example the control of bars of stick or the detection of the deployment of the resguardos telescopic.

By his modular structure, these conmutadores can manufacture in big volumes.