Schmersal Ibérica, S.L. - Relays and safety switches

Components for desks bimanuales: they use in machines and plants with zones of risk

Picture of Components for desks bimanuales
The desks of control bimanuales (ZHS) use in machines and plants with zones of risk and force to the operator to use both hands to realise instructions of control that involve a dangerous movement.

They are protective devices that require the use of two hands like minimum for his control, avoiding so the operario have the hands in the dangerous zone, since it will need both in the signpost of control to initiate the operation of the machine or plant in question and keep it until it cease the danger.

The desks of control bimanuales use preferably like protective devices in operations of initialisation and execution of an alone movement near of areas of risk, as well as in tasks of introduction and manual withdrawal of materials in dangerous zones.