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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at La Fundación Icil entrega los VIII Premios Icil a la Excelencia
The entity awarded Prizes to the Excellence in four new categories

The Foundation Icil delivery the VIII Prizes Icil to the Excellence

Editorial Interempresas31/05/2012

31 May 2012

The Foundation Icil delivered the Thursday 24 May in Barcelona the Prizes to the Excellence that, in his 8ª edition, recayeron in the companies Alimentary Corporation Peñasanta, DHL Expresses, Nestlé Spain, Fedefarma, Logistical Group Careers and Pall-Ex Iberia. Likewise they awarded Prizes to the Excellence to: the Spanish Association of Steering and Development of People (Aedipe Catalonia), Prize Icil to the Business Association; Josu Calvo, general director of Gonvarri, Prize Icil to the Best General Director; Everis, Prize Icil in Corporate Social Responsibility; and the Port authority of Barcelona, Prize Icil to the Public Body.
The awarded of the VIII Prizes Icil to the Excellence
The awarded of the VIII Prizes Icil to the Excellence.

The Foundation Icil, in plough to reward the new tendencies in logistics, undertook eight years ago a new initiative to fulfil with this aim: the Prizes Icil to the Excellence. These prizes constitute a recognition to the companies, entities and professionals that innovan in the logistical field and implant solutions of improvement in the organisations.

The Thursday 24 May, took place in the Hotel Princess Sofia of Barcelona the 8ª edition of the delivery of the Prizes ICIL, event that had the assistance of more than 150 representative professionals of the logistical sector, as well as stood out institutional representatives, headed by Damià Calvet, Secretary of Territori i Mobilitat of the Government of Catalonia.

The VIII Prizes Icil to the Excellence awarded to:

Alimentary Corporation Peñasanta (Central Lechera Asturian), by the attainments reached, by his continued political of improvement in the area of the supply chain and by his 16 projects in roads of execution. In the frame of the chain of supply, Alimentary Corporation Peñasanta poses an efficient delivery to his customers by means of an integration via EDI. In the frame of relation with the providers has achieved an important level of integration, standing out the implantation of strategic agreements with some providers.
Collected the prize Roberto Rodríguez Hevia, director of Logistics of Alimentary Corporation Peñasanta, of hands of Imanol Alberdi, director of Platforms of Eroski.

DHL Expresses, for having reached the leadership in his sector, thanks to a clear orientation to the characteristics and needs of each customer, creating an own style of business to the that have adapted the companies that has purchased and by the global and world-wide vision that prints in his activities. DHL Expresses Has created a wide network of hubs in the world, establishing also a network of transports that combines the diverse ways.
Collected the prize Miguel Erase, Managing director of DHL Expresses, of hands of Juan Jesús Spine, general director of Daher Unigel.

Nestlé Spain, for having developed a method of improvement of the reliability of the forecast of sales that, basing in a segmentation by volume and volatility, has allowed him reduce the number of breaks of stock in 42%, at the same time that they reduced the stocks in 7,2%. Nestlé Spain has investigated, developed and applied successfully a planning of the demand that allows him carry out all his activity in a market characterised by his novel height of dynamism.
Collected the prize Joaquín Salvany, boss of Logistics of Nestlé Spain, of hands of Miguel Ángel of Miguel, director of Logistics of the Group Mahou-San Miguel.

Fedefarma, for having invested 25 million euros, 11 of which in robotización, to implant a warehouse that constitutes a milestone and a referent in this type of installations, especially in his sector, able to store 40.000 references and attend 125.000 daily lines with only 55 operarios, in addition to supplying to his pharmaceutical network 4 times by day, reaching some ratios of improvement of productivity of 72% in reliability of stocks and of 133% in lines/hour.
Collected the prize David Pardo, general director of Fedefarma, of hands of Juan Ramón Rodríguez, president of the Association Icil.

Logistical group Careers, for having developed and implanted a system of forecast of the demand that allows to anticipate the manufacturing of the requests, before these receive and, simultaneously, determine the necessary resources to be able to realise said activity, valuing continuous and daily the load of work that suppose the requests received, as well as the backorders to receive until the end of the day. The Logistical Group Careers has concerned by the environingingmental sustainability setting up a Chair on this matter in Saragossa.
Collected the prize Fernando Careers, general director of Careers Logistical Group, of hands of Daniel Lancho, director Operations of KH Lloreda.

Pall-Ex Iberia, for, in the period of a year, having found partners in the Iberian Peninsula, having achieved the collaboration of numerous transport companies and for having designed and implemented a model of traceability and proof of delivery online, thanks to which, before the end of the first year of activity, has reached over 100,000 pallet monthly movement. Pall-Ex Iberia serves in 24 hours all the Iberian market, using the system of centralized hub.
He collected the prize Enric Estruch, director Manager of Pall-Ex, from Novel Ricard, director general of PKW.

New categories of prizes to the Excellence

The Foundation Icil decided in this VIII edition award, for the first time, Prizes to the Excellence in four new categories: to the Business Association, to the Best General Director, to the Corporate Social Responsibility and to the Public Body.

The Prize Icil to the Business Association was for the Spanish Association of Steering and Development of People (Aedipe Catalonia), in recognition to the good do that the institution come developing from his creation in 1965. The success of Aedipe Catalonia roots in the wide fan of activities that develops and to the quality of the same, and keeps a series of agreements with other institutions of first level in the field of the learning that redundan in profit of his associated.

Collected the prize Ricard Alfaro, president of Aedipe Catalonia, of hands of Maria Teresa Pérez, manager Foundation Icil Barcelona.

The Prize Icil to the Best General Director was awarded to Josu Calvo, general director of Gonvarri, for having made possible that the company that today directs, in which it is from 15 years ago, have turned into a player global in his sector. In spite of the crisis, Josu Calvo has known to lead the growth of the company until reaching the 23 centres of service of steel delivered by all the world and a figure of business consolidated of 2.250 million euros in 2011.

Collected the prize Josu Calvo, CEO of Gonvarri, of hands of Juan Ramón Rodríguez, president of the Association Icil.

The Prize Icil to the Excellence in the field of the Corporate Social Responsibility was for Everis, for being a company engaged widely with his surroundings, so much in terms of environingingment as in the social field, including in this section to his employees, to which devotes the pertinent attention to improve his talent, amongst other factors. The social contribution of Everis bases in the diffusion of the knowledges that has purchased after a long path in quality consultancy.

Collected the prize Fritz Hoderlein, partner director of Everis, of hands of Miquel Valls, president of the Foundation Icil.

The Prize Icil to the Public Body awarded to the Port authority of Barcelona, for being an institution aglutinadora and canalizadora of the needs and interests of the business fabric Catalan and for having known promote, develop and concretise projects that allow that Barcelona situate between the elite of the logistical nodes Europeans. The Port of Barcelona also has achieved to attract investments of important multinationals to develop new infrastructures of vital importance for the economy of the country.

Collected the prize Sixte Cambra, president of the Port of Barcelona, of hands of Juan Ramón Rodríguez, president of the Association Icil.

Damià Calvet, secretari of Territori i Sostenibilitat of the Government of Catalonia, during his intervention
Damià Calvet, secretari of Territori i Sostenibilitat of the Government of Catalonia, during his intervention.

Finally, conceded the Prize Icil to the logistical presses in recognition to the best journalistic work specialised in the logistical sector. In this 8ª edition, the rewarded conceded to Ricardo Hernández, that collected the prize of hands of Jaime Looks, technical director of the Foundation Icil.

The celebration of the Prizes Icil to the Excellence 2012 congregó to more than 150 people linked to the logistical sector, as well as to stood out institutional representatives like the secretary of Territori i Mobilitat of the Government of Catalonia, Damià Calvet, the president of the Cambra of Comerç of Barcelona and of the Foundation Icil, Miquel Valls, the president of Ferrocarrils of the Government of Catalonia and of Feteia, Enric Ticó, and the general director of Cimalsa, Isidre Gavín, amongst other.

The act was clausurado by Damià Calvet that spoke of the important paper that play the infrastructures, reason whereby is necessary to manage them of intelligent and effective form to achieve his maximum economic profitability and social. The secretary of Territori i Sostenibilitat of the Government of Catalonia encouraged to the companies and to the professionals gathered to be followed working and struggling by a sector, the logistical, that is one of the few that goes launching positive news that they can contribute to go out of the crisis.

The VIII Prizes Icil to the Excellence have had the collaboration of the companies: Group Constant, Eulen, CTC Externalización, Luis Simõis, Logifrio, ToolsGroup, TXT and-solutions and Viastore.

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Fundación ICIL - Barcelona

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