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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Fundación Icil inaugura su nueva sede en Barcelona
The act had the presence of the President of the Government of Catalonia, Artur But

Foundation Icil inaugurates his new headquarters in Barcelona

Editorial Intempresas14/10/2011

14 October 2011

More than a hundred of people, between personalities, professional, directors and employers linked to the logistical field, congregaron the past Friday 30 September in the new headquarters of the Foundation Icil to assist to his official inauguration chaired by the president of the Government of Catalonia, Artur But. The event explained also with the participation of Miquel Valls, president of the Foundation Icil and president of the Cambra of Comerç, Indústria i Navegació of Barcelona; Juan Ramón Rodríguez, president of the Institut Català of Logistics; and Pere Rock, president of the Executive Committee of the Foundation Icil.

The president of the Executive Committee of the Foundation, Pere Rock opened the turn of interventions heading to the assistants to signal that the inauguration of the new headquarters in Barcelona of the Foundation Icil supposes “to consolidate a new stage in the evolution of the institution that, from his starts, has had a constant aim, the one to improve and spread the logistical function”. In words of Pere Rock, the Icil has developed “a work of support to the sector and to the professionals in the field of the training, the investigation and the knowledge and always having professionals in active that transmit the knowledge, the experience and the management of the day in day out. In definite, a training of professional to professional”.

Pere Rock also put of self-evident the effort realised/realized by all to arrive to what is nowadays the Foundation Icil, an entity of which “can say that it is the first institution of logistical training of the country, since we cover around 60% of the training in logistics and supply chain that gives to national level”.


Likewise, the president of the Executive Committee referred to the current economic stage of the that said that “it forces us to be more competitive; and the training is of vital importance to reach this competitiveness. It is necessary innovar and apply new solutions to generate new values, like improving the services and the costs, without forgetting endow of new opportunities to the consumers, so much to the industrial as to the domestic. Only like this we will be able to activate the consumption, that is one of the key gears that would have since begin to film”.

To finalise/finalize, Pere Rock put of self-evident that “today can not face new markets, neither new products, neither new channels without speaking of logistics; a strategic function for the development of a lot of companies. These circumstances have done us pose a new line of performance, orienting all our effort to the professional career of the people of the logistical field. Because we are fully convinced that the human factor, jointly with the use of the technologies is and will be the key factor for the innovation. And the Foundation Icil is an institution that has of an educational and operative knowledge and that is in permanent contact with the business fabric of the country”.

To continuation took part Juan Ramón Rodríguez, president of the Institut Català of Logistics, that manifested that “with more than thirty years of history and more than 1.000 partners, the Icil bets by the training and the innovation to transform new ideas in sources renewed of value”.

Juan Ramón Rodríguez also explained that, on the way undertaken of innovation, the Foundation Icil will expand the next year his radio of international coverage and will constitute three new zones in Latin America, specifically: Icil Chile and Peru, Icil Argentinian and Brazil, and Icil Mexico, in addition to “continuing improving the zones centre/center and north in Spain”.

By his part Miquel Valls, president of the Foundation Icil, recalcó that one of the main values of the entity is the fact that in her “are represented many of the most important companies of the field of the logistics of Spain and of Catalonia”. And it added that “the Icil, through the training, contributes to that the logistical win each day more weight inside the professional field” and, therefore, “help to the growth of the economy of Catalonia”.

Miquel Valls finalised/finalized signalling that “in the Icil give two essential factors: the innovation and the internationalisation/internationalization, and put them to the service of the companies, of the economy and of the our country”.

Artur But with Miquel Valls, Pere Rock and Juan Ramón Rodríguez
Artur But with Miquel Valls, Pere Rock and Juan Ramón Rodríguez.

The president of the Government of Catalonia, Artur But, commissioned of clausurar the act of inauguration of the new headquarters in Barcelona of the Foundation Icil.

The maximum representative of the Catalan Government stood out that “the work developed by the Icil in logistical training is key for the country, and more if the training give it good teachers as they are it the own professional that are working in the companies. This, that in other European countries is very usual, here is not at all common, by what takes a big significance and utility for the students, since the professors are professional that are each day to the foot of the cannon and that by the practical road know very very what do”.

The president of the Generalitat added that “the training of the Icil is still more important because it does in a sector, the logistical, that is key also for a country that has an industrial base and an exporting base that, beside the scientific base and the technological are the engines that can take us out of the situation in which it finds the country”.

Artur But signalled that “in the nine months that carry like president of the Government of Catalonia have seen that the main investments that are doing in these moments in Catalonia are logistical. And they are investments of hundreds of million euros of industrial companies and trading companies that sell all over the world and manufacture in diverse countries, but that bring his products here so that they distribute to Europe. Therefore, the logistics, in addition to saving costs to base to optimise/optimize diverse factors inside the company, is nowadays a sector that is contributing a physical investment of first level in the country”.

The president of the Generalitat affirmed that “the training of the Icil is still more important because it does in a sector, the logistical...
The president of the Generalitat affirmed that “the training of the Icil is still more important because it does in a sector, the logistical, that is key also for a country that has an industrial base and an exporting base”.

The president also referred to the network of infrastructures of Catalonia, on which said that “although every time it is better”, there are basic infrastructures slopes that “are indispensable for the exporting industrial base, as for example the Mediterranean rail runner. In some moments in that there is not too money to invest, and less still public money, the bottoms it is necessary to put them there in where there is a performance and a value added. And the Mediterranean industrial base, that supposes enough more than 50% of the Spanish export, needs of a good connection with the centre/center of Europe”.

Artur But closed his intervention doing a last reference to the logistical sector, of the that said that “it is a discreet sector, that does not do notice, but that works hard from does long”.

With regard to the inauguration of the new headquarters of the Foundation Icil in Barcelona, the president of the Generalitat said to be fully convinced that “what today happens in the Icil is an important milestone and a decisive step so that all the activities of the entity cuajen, have more strength that never and traspasen this strength to a sector in expansion that, insist, is one of which has to help us to go out of the current difficulties”.

The new headquarters of the Foundation Icil in Barcelona is situated in the street Conxita Supervia number 11.

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