
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a Raúl Reigosa, director comercial de Trébol group

“Am an incrédulo of the laser, except that it change the technology”

Interview to Raúl Reigosa, commercial director of Clover group

Mar Martínez13/10/2011

13 October 2011

The commercial director of Clover group, Raúl Reigosa, still remembers fascinado how eleven days after the tsunami that asoló in March of this year the Japanese region of Tōhoku, in front of the Pacific Ocean, the company Hitachi, where produce the devices of coding and labeling inkjet that Clover distributes in Spain and Portugal, went back to work of way normalised near of the place of the catastrophe. It is not of extrañar, then, that in front of the current crisis, that also has affected to his sector, Reigosa show trusted that, further of the vaivenes, will produce a progressive growth. 

Raúl Reigosa
Raúl Reigosa.

There is some sector or type of product inexplorado up to now by the machines of labeling?

Safe that yes. Each 5 years, roughly, the inkjet applies in new niches of market that give him a new impulse to the sector, with the sale of thousands of teams to world-wide level, that initially was not foreseen to sell. Now we are studying the use of the inkjet in new markets and applications that suppose the development of new inks and software for the teams, that improved the sales in the future.

In this often unintelligible code for the buyer last of the product, which indispensable informations can find?

Like consumer the most important information and besides, easily identifiable, is the date of caducity. Besides, in a lot of cases can identify the date of production and the rest of the code is used to to be a number of batch, recognizable by the manufacturer, but no by the consumer, where reflect data like line of production, date and hour, factory, etc… Like this, in case of a claim or any type of incidence, can locate of simple and fast form all the game affected.

A marked product/encoded is a product with guarantee?

What can affirm categorically is that a no marked product does not offer guarantees. If we can not know his date of preferential consumption, in case of some problem of quality do not go to be able to locate the cause of the same. The mark the product guarantees us the fast location of the problems and the taking of immediate measures to solve them.

In which point of afección by the crisis find the companies of coding and labeling in Spain?

The economic situation is not extraneous to this sector, and affects us as to all the world. The market has contracted and sell fewer teams that in 2007. The customers have reduced his investments, there are fewer lines of new production and realise/realize fewer renewals of ancient teams. We can calculate that the contraction of the market during the crisis is in the order of the 20-25%. It is not our case, that have grown during the two last years, but the sector in global terms has decrecido. This has carried to any of our competitors to “thin” his staff, what at the end translates in a worse service to the customers.

How it was the distribution of his teams in Spain and Portugal five years ago and how is now?

5 years ago our coverage of market realised/realized of direct form in 30%, and of indirect form in 70%, through local distributors. At present 90% of our sales, and of the technical assistance, realise/realize them directly with the staff of employees of Clover group. This is like this because every time it needs a greater profesionalización and specialisation/specialization to the hour to attend to our customers, so much commercial as technically. Our staff, increasingly wide and with a total coverage of the territory, fulfils/fulfills these specifications, since Clover group devotes of exclusive form to the coding by chorro of ink.

Do forecasts of future.

It is necessary to be very brave to do them, in these moments in that any “gurú” of the economy dares, and those that do it make a mistake, but go to try it. Since it invented this technology (Japan, 1975) the sector has not done more than growing and grow. I carry 24 years working in the world of the inkjet and every year hear the same: “This market already is saturated”, which is categorically false.

For example, in full economic crisis to world-wide level have sold all over the world more than 42.000 inkjets in 2009. In 2010 this figure grew until more than 49.500 units, roughly 18%. The global forecast is that this go to more. Every time there are teams faster, more types of inks to cover new applications, new markets, etc… that allow, to this sector already “madurito” after more than 35 years, keep growing “cool” as if it went a new technology.

Besides, to day of today does not exist a system of labeling so generalista and flexible like the inkjet that can oust it of the podium of the sector of the coding. The forecast: except some ‘go up-and-low' been due to the crisis, the sector will keep growing strong to rhythms of between 12% to 18% annual to world-wide level.

Hitachi RX
Hitachi RX.

Which sequelas has left the earthquake that suffered Japan in the spring in the distribution of Hitachi by the world? The teams inkjet that Clover distributes in Spain and Portugal come of a factory to which affected the earthquake…

On 11 May of this year, to first hour of the morning here in Spain, could live in direct by the television, while it took a coffee before going up to our offices, the catastrophic earthquake and back tsunami that asoló the Japanese coast of Pacífico. The factory of our inkjets is very near of the most affected zone. Fortunately, in spite of being in front of the sea, have in a high zone that saved it of the destruction of the tsunami.

The same 11 May, Hitachi formed a cabinet of crisis chaired by the gentleman Mineguishi, director of the Division of Inkjet. On 14 May 80 employees were working inside factory putting in order all that disaster. On 22 May (only 11 days afterwards!) 90% of the staff was working and restarted the production of machines and inks of normal form, inside the difficult circumstances, all a record.

It has recovered completely the activity? Which messages have gone them arriving to you from Japan in this regard?

Quite grave, in spite of having us rid of the tsunami, after an earthquake of this magnitude, can one imagine ceilings fallen, absolute disorder, doors and windows broken, cracks in the walls, etc… But the true is that, as I have explained before, in only 11 days achieved to recover the normality. During the crisis, Hitachi kept us on time informed at all times. A lot of customers concerned and some multinationals asked us that we certified them by writing that the supply of inks, dissolvent and spares would not see affected, as like this it was. In fact we have launched a new model the past month of September, the team PH, that will be presented the next Empack 2011 in Madrid, after a titanic effort of the team of R&D to fulfil/fulfill the forecasts.


They have posed sometime open his market to the printers laser?

Hitachi Is valuing this option, but still is only an idea.

What contribute one and other systems?

With all sincerity am an incrédulo of the laser, except that it change the technology. The laser has opened a gap in the market of the labeling by the little reliability of some systems inkjet, detours of chorro, dirt, unpleasant smells, high consumptions of dissolvent, bad technical service, etc… The customer that has had an experience like this done in hands of the laser without looking other options neither study what the market offers now.

Inkjet/laser. Pros And contras

The arguments of the laser are the following, with his against-corresponding arguments of our inkjet:
  • Argue 1: The laser does not have expendable and the inkjet yes. Against-argument: The laser has expendable, one on a long-term basis (the tube) and another newspaper that is the filter of the extractor of smokes. The inkjet every time consumes less. We are underneath of 3,5 millilitres/milliliters of dissolvent to the hour.
  • Argue 2: The laser is clean and the inkjet dirty. Against-argument: The laser produces smoke, because it burns. Therefore, it is not clean. In our inkjet no longer there is detour of chorro. Therefore, it is clean.
  • Argue 3: The laser is more reliable that the inkjet. Against-argument: it Exists some laser with 5 years of guarantee? The inkjet Hitachi offers with these guarantees of operation.
  • Argue 4: The laser is faster that the inkjet. Against-argument: it Is categorically false. Only a laser of masks under determinate conditions can arrive to be faster that the inkjet. In the rest of the cases, the inkjet keeps on being the king.

The speed is what more value the companies in the systems of coding and labeling?

Of course that no. In some clear cases that it is indispensable, but what more look the customers is the reliability, the not having unemployments of line is fundamental. Afterwards of course they look other factors like the operative costs, speed, ease of use…

I have understood that the envasadoras buy two machines to be able to mark the product by two distinct places. Like this, if a labeling is not correct, the another will be it, and will not be necessary to detain the system of production, what when seeming is costlier that have two machines. The technology has evolved to avoid this type of situations and additional expenses?

Can ensure reliabilities of more than 99%, but the absolute security does not exist. The majority of our customers mark with an alone inkjet without any problem, and can be years without that it occur any incidence, but understand perfectly to customers like Cobega (Coca Tail), that teach you the line of production faster, until 120.000 tins/hour, working 24 hours to the day and that can not stop on no account. Neither they pose do an alone coding, since besides the low consumptions of our teams neither increase of significant form the costs by the fact to duplicate the labeling.


Speak us of the evolution of the inks and of to where go, taking into account environmental criteria, special products –for example the alimentary– …

The inks are another parallel world to the of the machines. The first aim that Hitachi marks to the hour to design a new ink is the reliability and the stability in the time inside the printer. On the other hand, it has to be adapted for the application for which designs , have a high adherencia in polietileno, resistance to the alcohol, to the fats, that was alimentary… and all this with the philosophy that, besides, was respectful with the environment.

In this sense Hitachi works in the development of free inks of heavy metals and based in alcohol etílico. Many of these inks already are available and are those that usually install in our customers from 8 years ago.

How the advances in investigation affect to the sector of the coding and the labeling? It occurs me , for example, the creation of inks thermometer, chromatic, conductivas, luminescent… applied to the sector of the container in general and of the alimentary container in particular…

Almost all these inks already are available. The challenge is to do these inks in different colours/colors and ensure the adherencia on the big diversity of existent substrates in the market, for example a vegetal preserve until does few years was a tin of hojalata. Now, the same product can pack in tin of aluminium/aluminum or steel, in transparent glass, labelled or covered by a sleever or in a plastic container termoformado.

In all the cases have to face up to the demand of inks termocromáticas or resistant to the sterilisation/sterilization on all this variety of substrates.

Which tendencies there is in the types of inks? When black —the most usual for the teams of Hitachi—, when white or yellow?

The black colour/color is the most popular. Roughly 85% of our installations do with black inks. The white or the yellow uses to print on dark bottoms, and use with preference the yellow inks since his base are compound vinílicos, very easy to use in a team inkjet standard. The white ink, by the contrary, bases in salts of titanium and this does that it was necessary to design teams inkjet special and costlier to work with them.

The variety of white and yellow inks is inferior to the one of black inks. One of the aims of Hitachi is to expand the variety of inks pigmentadas and approach it to the existent variety of black inks.


We speak of supports, which are the most usual?

Although we mark on any type of substrate (metals, glass, paper, wood…), undoubtedly the protagonist in the world of the labeling and of the container and packaging in general, is the plastic, or better said the plastics, because, really, this is not a substrate, but a family of materials very different between himself.

And the most innovative?

Basically is the family of new plastics created for different types of applications so much of container and packaging, as of coating of wires, as for pieces of automotion, increasingly light, cheap, insulating….

And those that suppose a challenge because print on them was more complex —by his form, by the sustrato…—?

The form is not a problem for the inkjet. Therefore it is the system more generalista, popular and flexible of labeling. When being a system without contact, gives us the same mark on something smooth, rugoso, concave or convex. The difficulty is in the adherencia to this substrate.

When an engineer of materials creates a new plastic, does it thinking in that it goes to be more flexible, lighter, more resistant, more economic, but never thinks in that afterwards it is necessary to mark it with a date or with a batch. Sometimes, find the suitable ink that adhere on this substrate and afterwards was resistant to the water, to the condensation, to the sterilisation/sterilization… is really the most complex.

What is prioritario for the employer that wants to purchase a machine of coding and labeling: the speed, the absence of maintenance?

The speed is important because if a codificador does not reach the minima demanded by the line of production, is not the solution that the customer needs. The absence of maintenance, or better said the absence of maintenance correctivo (failures) is what call ‘reliability of the machine' and is what really prime to the hour to choose the inkjet suitable.

Hitachi PH
Hitachi PH.


You work with a material, the ink, that can be aggressive with the environment. Which solutions carry out to minimise/minimize these effects?

Three are the ways in which we work:

1.- Low consumptions of dissolvent to avoid the unnecessary broadcasts to the atmosphere. Here we are leaders.

2.- Elimination of heavy metals in the inks. Almost all our inks are already free of these elements contaminantes. All the standard inks already are it and, step by step, go deleting in the formulation of what call special inks.

3.- System of collected of waste. Although, nowadays almost all our customers have a system of collected of waste contaminantes, still there are a lot of companies, especially the ones of lower size, or that by his innocuous activity do not produce this waste, that do not have this service. Clover group puts to disposal of all these customers our service of collected of waste, from an agreement with the company Safety Kleen, that collects periodically our waste and the ones of our customers of our offices of Madrid. This service is free.

“Roughly 85% of our installations do with black inks”, explains Reigosa
“Roughly 85% of our installations do with black inks”, explains Reigosa.
Three bets of Clover in Empack 2011

“Clearly bet by:

  1. The expectancy generated by the team Hitachi PH, that present officially in Empack, an inkjet of high provision to a really competitive price.
  2. Hitachi RX, the team presented in the past edition of Empack and that has fulfilled/fulfilled a year in the market with some really excellent results, with more than 120 installed units in the environments but demanding.
  3. Hitachi PB, that already is a classical in the world of the coding inkjet and that, after 6 years in the market, has showed the greater ratios of reliability. It is a team for simple applications (2 lines of text) that until today has not been surpassed by anybody”.

With which forecasts attend to the fair?

The forecast is, at least, repeat the results of previous years, that really have been very satisfactory. The economic expectations are not very halagüeñas to European level, but the greater part of the companies follow looking for ideas to improve his productivity, reduce his costs, be more effective in his work and Empack is a good forum to see what the market offers in this regard and to collect ideas that help to improve the productive processes.

Therefore we expect once again a good participation in this event. Besides, in spite of being a small fair, by his dimension in square metres/meters, at the same time is very concentrated regarding number of expositores, what turns it into an attractive and easy forum to visit for the companies of the zone centre/center and south, for which sometimes supposes an additional effort displace to Barcelona, where usually celebrate this type of industrial fairs.

Clover group is the official distributor of the codificadores by chorro of ink Hitachi in Spain and Portugal. His head office is in Madrid and has delegations in Valencia, Barcelona, Cádiz and Logroño.

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Comments on article / news piece

#3 - Trebol Group
16/03/2015 9:47:49
Hola Miguel, Estaremos encantados de atender tu consulta, si por favor nos envías un email a con tu número de pedido e información de contacto. Saludos,
#2 - miguel
15/03/2015 19:44:25
cuato sale el kit de filtros
#1 - Sr. Hernan Avila
20/02/2012 3:03:12
Nuestra empresa tiene como actividad principal el asesoramiento y la implementación de plantas envasadoras de agua y corresponder con apoyo técnico a empresas del sector con planes de innovación de nuevos modelos de operación. Las nuevas reformas dictadas por el gobierno ecuatoriano para el sector alimenticio obliga a todas las industrias incluir en sus procesos de control Y calidad el uso obligado de codificación de los productos ( lote, fecha de elaboración, fecha de vencimiento ). La Directiva de Water Solutions Ecuador S.A. ha decidido incluir en nuestro catálogo este sistema de codificación en sus diferentes alternativas y opciones, motivo por el que requerimos más información sobre modelos y precios, considerando que nuestra página web es la más visitado en todo el Ecuador en su línea de negocios. Saludos cordiales, Ing. Hernán Ávila Britto Gerente General Water Solutions Ecuador SA

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