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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Objetivos, tendencias y modelos de solución del proceso de aprovisionamiento en la compañía

Aims, tendencies and models of solution of the process of procurement in the company

Committee of experts of ICIL

The aim of the process of procurement is the traditional of all the processes, that is to say, in the first place satisfy the needs of his internal customer and second optimise the profitability.

The components of this last aim can resumirse of the following form: cost of acquisition, what pay him to the provider; the cost of the transport, that is not included in the previous; the cost of request, composed of the follow-up, reception and control of said request like part of the internal management; and the cost of stock of materials, desglosado in the costs of hygiene and of manoeuvre.

Also would find the cost of structure and the saving of financials in his case, but are the previous those that have to apply to each alternative of procurement to determine the minimum cost.

Has to clear that the aim to minimise the integral cost is the same that the one of maximizar the profitability if it values the capital contributed in each case (installations or stocks) to the value of the cost of opportunity.

Global assessment of stocks

Like this for example a global assessment of stocks is used to to cover three concepts: cost of storage, cost of capital and cost of obsolescence.

  • The cost of storage corresponds to the necessary physical installations to house the stock.
  • The cost of capital corresponds to the cost of opportunity multiplied by the value of the stock.
  • The cost of obsolescence corresponds to the percentage of the value of the stock that foresees will result obsolete and that obviously is increasing in function of the period of storage.

Tendencies in the conditionings of the shopping

The current tendencies of the process of procurement come conditioned by the characteristics of the coyuntura business current that situates to this process in an extremely important position due to the fact that, in function of the concentration in core-business the “key” of the business economy resides in shopping.

The two main factors that today condition the tendencies of shopping and procurement are:

  • The integration of providers, consistent in that, after a suitable selection and homologation, a provider integrates in the company in the sense that it defines a durable relation (3-5 years) during which the provider will have the procurement ensured and in compensation this will realizar a reduction of costs for the buyer, no forzosamente of prices, continuous and pactada previously in constant euros (without considering the inflation).
  • The globalisation, that consists in taking advantage of the undoubted economic advantages of the emergent markets.

In a wider fan the summary the tendencies in shopping goes through a strategic negotiation, the have reliable providers that provide him to the company a continuous procurement, with what the deliveries approach to JIT, that is to say, deliveries very frequent, even daily if it was necessary. With what in a lot of cases the solution goes through the integration of providers, with the consequent continuous improvement of cost and service. The company has to use the advantages of the globalisation and apply a better management of the chain of supply.


The importance of the negotiation in the shopping

Analyse more widely the appearance of the negotiation. The strategic negotiation has to adapt to the position of the buyer regarding dependency and influence of the product or operation in the total cost.

With a degree of low dependency if the material is little important can use a positional style in which we are predominant or accept the preponderancia of the provider so as to not losing time and manage with efficiency.

If the degree of dependency is low but the material is important economically will have to optimise the potential that the wide market with a powerful investigation of all the possible providers and effecting the selection and pertinent homologation, using a style of negotiation distributivo or to win-lose with which resaltemos our strength to be the customer front a wide market and play therefore to win.

The same style of negotiation distributivo, but playing to lose is the one who have to employ with a degree of dependency high in products little important, where the aim is to ensure the supply and “lose” in the negotiation is not important.

In the case that they converge a high dependency in products of high economic importance, the aim is to reach an integration with the provider or at least a relation of cooperation and thus, the style of the negotiation has to become of value added or 'win-win', where the participants more than struggling by a piece of the cake encourage in doing big the cake.

Has to consider in any case that a negotiation is balanced if the same style of negotiation is the one who employ both parts, what in some cases is not true when being relative so much the degrees of dependency like the economic importance of a determinate supply.

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