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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Los expertos analizan las ventajas de la Huella de Carbono
Technical day on the New Royal decree of the Footprint of Carbon

The experts analyse the advantages of the Footprint of Carbon

Mª Carmen Fernández24/03/2014

The past 12 March took place in Madrid the presentation of the New Royal decree of Footprint of Carbon in which they participated the Spanish Office for the Climatic Change, the Technological Platform of Containers and Packaging (Packnet), the Technological Institute of the Packaging, Transport and Logistical (Itene), the Business Organisation ONE, Tetra Pak and the Association of Spanish Chains of Supermarkets (Aces).

Madrid received the past 12 March the presentation of the New Royal decree of the Footprint of Carbon. In said event gave to know the implications that will have in the companies the entrance in force of this new norm, as well as also the aims that want to reach, between which stand out mainly reduce the broadcast of gases of Effect Invernadero (GEI) and help to the companies in this aim.

Presentation of the Royal decree of the Footprint of Carbon

Presentation of the Royal decree of the Footprint of Carbon.

The presentation had the participation of Marta Hernández, responsible of the Spanish Office for the Climatic Change of the Ministry of Agriculture, Feeding and Environingingment, Mercedes Hortal, responsible of the Office of Sustainability of Itene, Eduardo Zapata, general secretary of ONE, Aurelio of Pino, general director of Aces, Víctor Marcos, manager of Environingingment of Tetra Pak, and Sandra Pérez, technical manager of the Technological Platform Spaniard of Packs and Packaging (Packnet).

According to Marta Hernández, one of his aims consists in creating a voluntary register of Footprint of Carbon that “help them in his calculation and reduction, minimise the environingingmental impact between the SMEs, and that boost the creation of sumideros forestry”. Almost all the speakers have coincided in the energetic and economic saving that supposes the Footprint of Carbon, in addition to increasing the possibilities of export of the companies.

Mª Angels Ferre González, Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness; and Sandra Pérez of Andres...

Mª Angels Ferre González, Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness; and Sandra Pérez of Andres, technical manager of Packnet; attendants to open the act.

Another of the advantages that supposes for a company know the Footprint of Carbon roots in the improvement of his image and, as it has stood out , in the possibility to access to European markets that already require this certificate. In general, the speakers have coincided in the improvement of the competitiveness of the companies that comports a good knowledge of the Footprint of Carbon.

What is the Footprint of Carbon?

“The footprint of carbon is an indicator that reflects a reality with regard to the environingingmental situation of an organisation, and the suitable is to realizar a to the year that allow us measure the evolution in our reduction of broadcasts of gases of Effect Invernadero”, affirmed Mercedes Hortal, responsible of the Office of Sustainability of Itene.

Presentation of the Royal decree of the Footprint of Carbon

Presentation of the Royal decree of the Footprint of Carbon.

According to Hortal, the companies have to centre in measuring the direct broadcasts fruit of the use of fuels fossils in his process of production, the broadcasts of the vehicles property of the company and the derivative broadcasts of the energetic consumption of the productive activity. Hortal Accompanied these affirmations with some applicable recommendations to the Footprint of Carbon focused mainly to the providers.

Chain of supplies

The event had the participation of all the links of the chain of supply. In the first place, Eduardo Zapata, general secretary of ONE, spoke on the aims of the logistical sector and of transports between which stood out the reduction of broadcasts and the split of the dependency of the oil.

Eduardo Zapata, general secretary of ONE

Eduardo Zapata, general secretary of ONE.

Zapata Posed different logistical models that are carrying out to reduce the Footprint of Carbon in his sector as for example a greater load of the vehicles, which go half full in a lot of occasions. Also it informed on the use of alternatives of systems of transport like the railway industry, the nocturnal distribution, the use of platforms of consolidation like Mercachef, logistical colaborativa and the Drop Points. Regarding the technologies to attain it, Zapata posed to minimise the routes, optimise the routes, use intelligent systems of transports (ITS) and in general, effective systems that allow to hit to the first.

On the other hand, Aurelio of Pino, general director of Aces, developed the normative context of the Royal decree and developed his business frame. As of Pino, the politics of environingingment translate in improvements of the efficiency. “The society sues sustainable development and here exists an opportunity with three slopes: the economic, the social and the half environingingmental”, affirmed.

Aurelio of Pino, general director of Aces

Aurelio of Pino, general director of Aces.

Aurelio of Pino stood out different strategies that are carrying out in the sector to reduce the Footprint of Carbon like the edificación sustainable, the projects of control and reduction of broadcasts that carry out (CO2ME), the management of the waste, the sustainability of the chain agroalimentaria or the environingingmental half management of the container.

Finally, Víctor Marcos, manager of Environingingment of Tetra Pak, explained how his company has been pioneering in the measurement of the Footprint of Carbon and analysed his cycle of life, which allows to analyse the product from an environingingmental half point of view. “The one who more has presionado for improving our Footprint of Carbon have been the companies of distribution”, affirmed.

Víctor Marcos, manager of Environingingment of Tetra Pak

Víctor Marcos, manager of Environingingment of Tetra Pak.

Marcos confirmed that this work has allowed them savings with an economic and environingingmental impact. Also it stood out the importance to communicate to the consumers how work the companies to reduce his footprint of carbon. “It is complicated to explain this idea to the consumer. For this have created several webs that simplify it, but being objective”, concluded.

Related Companies or Entities

Instituto Tecnológico del Embalaje, Transporte y Logística - Itene
Uno Organización Empresarial de Logística y Transporte

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