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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at No cambie de almacén, apueste por la remodelación, la modernización, la optimización

It do not change of warehouse, bet by the remodeling, the modernisation, the optimisation

Yolanda Núñez, director Marketing of ICIL12/03/2014
The projects of remodeling, modernisation or optimisation adapt the intralogística of his current installations to the technological standards newer, prolonging like this the useful life of his investment and always under the maximum of the efficiency.
Yolanda Núñez, director of Marketing of Schafer

Yolanda Núñez, director of Marketing of Schafer.

The automation and the modern solutions intralogísticas increase the productivity and efficiency of the warehouse and logistical installations. No always it is necessary to do “the big investment”, but it can prolong the useful life of the investments realizar previously. In a lot of occasions the remodeling or modernisation are the best alternative. They allow to improve the level of service, the availability of the products and the quality, to the time that reduce costs of several types as they are the operative or of resources, arriving even to 30%. In this sense, is important to stand out the paper of the technology to win efficiency.

The peculiarity of this type of projects is that the majority of times the ancient ‘installations' find in operation, with what possible unemployed would have critical consequences for the company. The challenge consists in tackling these projects of modernisation or remodeling without affecting to the operative logistics of the company. From here that it was precise to have expert providers that offer to the customer a guarantee of fulfillment.

In a project type, in a first phase, the experts determine the real need of measures of remodeling or modernisation. To schedule and conceptualise the new design, the key points root in the so much mechanical optimisation like electrical of the installation and the processes, with an aprovechamiento of the space the most optimum possible, or even the generation of free surfaces. Besides, in the modernisation or installation of dynamic components of the installation gives a particular importance to the integration of accionamientos efficient energetically. To limit the less possible the current production, elaborates together with the customer a calendar for the execution.

Another important subject is the maintenance. The new components employed increase the efficiency of the resources and the performance; besides, the new systems have a considerably inferior wear, and usually, offer options of better remote maintenance and faster.

According to the experience of SSI Schaefer in these last years, can have different types of projects. For a company of agricultural technology, the German Hans Völk (represents the mark John Deere), realizar a project of optimisation of the existent space, having realizar a warehouse of components and winning 90m2 of surface of exhibition.

After realizar an initial study, calculated which was the necessary space for the warehouse in function of the existent references and his characteristic (volume, weight, rotation, …). To continuation developed the concept of the installation, as well as the process to realizar under the criteria of growth and functionality. The study put of relief that the necessary surface of warehouse for the small and average pieces was 20% of which initially supposed the company. Likewise, the results of the study facilitated the ulterior planning of the spaces, the management of the project and the control of costs.

SSI Schaefer Built a modern warehouse of spare parts with an entreplanta. To save costs used the shelves of the ancient warehouse whose quality resulted acceptable and planted in such a way that they could not see from the area of customers in spite of the open architecture, so that all the warehouse gives a very modern impressesion, luminous and open, of an alone piece. Also they scheduled the places of work for the sale of components, the reception of works of repair, etc. to the style of a modern car dealer along the surface of exhibition and even adapting it to the corporate identity, giving like result an increase of the area of exhibition of 90 m².

In a surface of 340 m² now store some 12.500 pieces of spare (8.000 small pieces, 4.000 average and 500 big pieces)
In a surface of 340 m² now store some 12.500 pieces of spare (8.000 small pieces, 4.000 average and 500 big pieces).

Remodeling and modernisation

If we speak of remodeling find another example in the German company VW that needed more space in his warehouse to bear the growth of his sales. After realizar an analysis structured of the stock and the processes, SSI Schaefer identified a potential of important improvement.

In the frame of the study, divided the available space in 3 areas:

To) a new warehouse of pieces of two flats according to the principle of location

b) A space for mobile equipment with a special area connected of tools

c) An individual warehouse of wheels for customers

Resulted: the new warehouse, with a clearly greater efficiency, needs only around 40% of the existent space. Besides, the study of the project provided clear information about the costs, of the fulfillment of the 7 phases of the project and of the resources required.

Finally, another example of modernisation of a logistical centre find it in Itella Logistics, in Finland. Itella Is specialised in catering effective and yielding solutions of terrestrial transports, maritime and aerial, as well as the storage in several stages. For his new logistical centre of elder envergadura, opted by SSI Schaefer, the one who design a logistical centre ultramoderno based in the energetic optimisation and in a technology of efficient and ecological heating.

From October of the 2012 until March of the 2013, installed a structure of shelves of paletización with roughly 80.000 locations and another structure of shelves of panels of 2 plants with 8.000 metres of shelves and shelves cantilever. All the systems of shelves occupy a surface of 77.000 m2 that together with the system pick-by-voice has achieved increase the efficiency of the manufacturing of requests and the performance.


Another example is the one of SKF, that modernizaron entirely the hardware and the system of control, allowing to the warehouse miniload automatic reach again the current state of the technology. In his emplazamiento of Berlin store diverse materials like screws, nuts, pumps and axles for equipment or system of lubrication centralised according to the principle FIFO. A warehouse miniload with 4 corridors has of roughly of 30.000 locations. “After more than 15 years was necessary to substitute the software of the system of management of warehouse, the automation and the components of system included the control of the flow of materials”.


In the prime phase of the project implemented the new system of management of warehouse of SSI Schaefer that it was connected to the system of management of materials of SAP. Like system of management of modular warehouse facilitates the exact adaptation of the software of the warehouse to the needs of SKDF. In the second phase of the project realizar the modernisation of the warehouse miniload.


SKF Achieved an increase of the speed of performance and an important reduction of the energetic consumption, in addition to obtaining a solution of IT and of modern communication that allowed them reduce the costs of maintenance and repair of hardware.


SSI Schaefer, German multinational leader in his sector, is specialist in catering global solutions and integrals of internal logistics, automation, storage and manufacturing of requests. With more than 75 years of history, 8500 employees, 54 delegations and 8 factories all over the world, SSI Schaefer is the main world-wide referent like integral provider keys in hand for centres of distribution and logistical installations: from boxes and containers, shelves of panels, dynamic and of paletización, mobile bases, miniloads, transelevadores and robots of automatic manufacturing of requests, until technologies of picking, systems automated and software of management of warehouse, etc.


With more than 75 years of history and a turnover of more than 2.000 million euros, SSI Schaefer is the provider leader of intralogística. With more than 15 years of direct presence in the Spanish market and with big reputation by the high quality of his products and services, SSI Schaefer has more than 800 customers in the main sectors of commercial activity: feeding and drunk, chemist, fashion, retail, automotive sector and logistics operators, among others.

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