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Study of needs of learning in logistics to charge of Foundation Icil

Project 'Logis' in the axis of Laughed it of Caldes (Barcelona)

Ramon Casòliva Vilaró, director of Projects Foundation ICIL


The past month of October, with assistance of the conseller of Company and Occupation of the Government of Catalonia, Felip Puig, inaugurated in Saint Perpètua of the Mogoda (Barcelona), the Centre CREVE (Centre of Resources for the Electrical Vehicle'), that forms part of the strategic initiative of Laughed it of Caldes, integrated by the projects 'Logis' and 'Electrical Vehicle'.

In his intervention the conseller Puig, stood out that the return to the economic growth, in Catalonia, goes through three actors, the industry, the logistics and the tourism. Being function of the public powers the one to support and accompany to the companies, facilitate them in the measure of the possible that can act in the markets of competitive form. Like this the project Logis, promoted by the consortium constituted by the city councils of the zone, goes in the steering to promote the development of the logistics.

Go to the antecedents. It does some months the city councils of Santa Perpètua, Polinyà, The Llagosta, Palau-Solità i Plegamans and Sentmenat proposed promote, in cooperation, an initiative of economic development of his territorial area, in the surroundings designated ‘Laughed of Caldes' with the purpose of dinamizar the business fabric, promote the innovation and promote the creation of employment. His analysis of the situation carried them to focalizar in the logistics and the electrical vehicle his conjoint efforts of economic promotion.

The axis of Laughed it of Caldes is a geographic space defined by the five municipalities that integrate the institutional Statement of this name, signed by the respective city councils and with some important socioeconomic dimensions that can resumir in: 39.000 places of work in 2.300 companies, with a high industrial presence above the average, with presence of companies of first international level like Mango or Alstom, and other leading in his technological appearance or by his innovation.

Recently they have published the statistical data of the zone that by his significance reproduce in the Table 1. Of the data stand out several magnitudes. In the first place the important specific weight that represents the industry in relation to the average of Catalonia, since it supposes more than the double. Another appreciable magnitude is the productivity, so much in GDP by inhabitant, as in relation to the average of Catalonia, that also is significantly upper.
Table 1. Statistical data of the industrialisation in the municipalities of the zone of the 'Laughed of Caldes'

Table 1. Statistical data of the industrialisation in the municipalities of the zone of the 'Laughed of Caldes'.

The purely logistical infrastructures of this zone have the CIM of the Vallés, in Santa Perpètua, and is foreseen that it build a future station intermodal in the rail line of commodities of the Mediterranean Runner, promoted by Ferrmed, foreseen in The Llagosta.

With the support of the Service of Occupation of Catalonia (SOC) have initiated the actions that have to allow new opportunities of business for the companies and new perspective for the professionals of the business logistics.

The local authorities of this economic zone have arrived to the conclusion that the business logistics, by his transversal character and his strategic factor, can be an element diferenciador so that the companies located in the axis of Laughed it of Caldes are more competitive, since the logistical can determine the success or the failure of a company. In a moment of economic difficulties that affect to all the administrations, bet by the business competitiveness, have to recognise that has his merit, mainly when his competitions in this regard they are very limited.

In this context has commissioned to Foundation ICIL the realisation of a study of needs of learning of the companies located in the zone, with the purpose to be able to offer them a formative offer in logistics that answer to his concrete needs. By this reason have kept personal interviews with the managers, directors of logistics or of human resources of the most significant companies of the zone, that have allowed to know at first hand the situation of the same, so much by what respecta his logistical processes as to his needs of skilled learning.

Although the aim of the study is to arrive to offer the formative programs in logistics that adapt to his needs, also has allowed to know the professional profiles really existent in the companies of the zone, his contents and the future perspectives with regard to the same. Like this they will obtain the logistical professional profiles existent in the zone, proposing from the study of Foundation ICIL a standard categorisation of the same, jointly with the demands of knowledge for the same by part of the companies.

The know how of Foundation ICIL, with his dilated experience in logistical learning to all the levels, will facilitate the manufacturing of a suitable formative proposal to the needs of the companies.

Collect here the words of Pere Rock, president of the Executive Commission of Foundation ICIL in the act of inauguration of the CREVE: “The Foundation ICIL are satisfied to be able to to contribute to this project, applying our knowledge to that that better know to do: the skilled learning in logistics. The learning of technicians and workers is a requirement so that the companies can obtain the maximum benefit of his investments in technology and at the same time can apply processes of management advanced in his organisations. The resultant logistical learning of the study will allow to the companies of Laughed ‘it of Caldes' be more competitive, offering to his customers a level of service and a capacity of management that contribute to the achievement of his business aims. We trust that ‘Logis' was a project of future and with a long route, in profit of companies and workers”.

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