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The international expansion of Palletways will continue with the consolidation of Germany

Palletways Shows in the SIL 2013 his value diferenciador and his strategy of growth

Editorial Interempresas21/06/2013
Palletways, company specialist in Europe in distribution expresses of commodity paletizada, has not been missing to his appointment with the International Living room of the Logistics (SIL), that has celebrated these days in Barcelona. There it has confirmed the strategy of growth for the next years based in the “excellence in the service”, a bet that sees reflected in some continuous annual growths in his Iberian network (Spain and Portugal), and specifically will be upper to 15% for 2013.
Tony Llatas, president of Palletways Iberia
Tony Llatas, president of Palletways Iberia.
Tony Llatas, president of Palletways Iberia, remembered in the meeting with the presses inside the SIL that “our group carries 19 years growing successfully in Europe, and has had his reflection also in Iberia, where already have fulfilled our seventh anniversary”. On the same line it expressesed Luis Zubialde, adviser delegated of Palletways Iberia, and Gregorio Hernando, commercial director, which remembered that “our vision keeps on being, of course, the one to be the European Network of Pallets, the natural option for the distribution expresses of commodity paletizada in the continent”.
In the actuality in Europe, the company has 310 members and manages daily more than 27.000 pallets. From his 12 hubs, realises a daily service from and to 11 European countries. Iberia Is the third network of Palletways in volume of all Europe, after United Kingdom and Italy. It will finish 2013 with 65 members and from his hub national in Alcalá de Henares (Madrid), supported by a hub regional in Saragossa, manages more than 2.300 pallets daily. From his birth, 7 years ago, already have gone through his hands more than 2,5 million pallets.
To the left, Gregorio Hernando, commercial director of the company, beside Luis Zubialde, adviser delegated
To the left, Gregorio Hernando, commercial director of the company, beside Luis Zubialde, adviser delegated.
In the present exercise, the company follows betting by “the excellence in the service, in front of standard services, without greater value added and to prices no sustainable”. Thus, Luis Zubialde advanced that the plan of action of the company orients “to the achievement of a service guaranteeed 100%”. Also it follows betting by the hubs regional, in fact, from does few months already are working one new in United Kingdom (Leeds) and another in Italy (Milan).
The international expansion of Palletways will continue with the consolidation of Germany, network created in July of 2011, and the start in brief of the activity in the Czech Republic and the study of similar networks in other east countries.
The support in the new technologies keeps on being basic. For this, has Palletways Portal, an on-line tool that is used by customers and members, so much for learning as for information and commercial development. In parallel, in the next three/four months will be to full performance the ‘Hub Scanning' in the hub of Alcalá de Henares, an arch that will allow to scan and control all the bar codes as well as images in high definition of all the pallets in the own trucks to his entrance and exit of the installations. Both technologies (Portal and Hub Scanning), developed by Palletways, have been recently rewarded by double game in United Kingdom: better project of innovation and better use of the technology.
Regarding the Iberian network, in the last months have incorporated 14 new companies member. Besides, 40% of the members have grown in the last exercise above 30% and all those with more than a year of belonging to the network have increased his volume of business in more than 14% in this exercise. At present, the growth is of 20% regarding final of 2012, by what “is growing better and with greater rhythm that a year backwards, perhaps already anticipating a light mejoría in the economy”.
On line with the politics of transparency of the company, presented also the result of the last survey of satisfaction that the company realises, of anonymous form between his members. Between the main conclusions that have extracted , are that 95% of the members in Iberia are satisfied or very satisfied of his belonging to the network, 70% thinks that this year will grow more than 10%, 75% will increase clearly his international sales and even 40% would be interested in analysing the possibility to set up another depot in the network.
To the right, Arturo Pérez, of the company Andrés Madorrán and Loginter (south of Navarra and The Rioja) and, to the left, Josep Solé...
To the right, Arturo Pérez, of the company Andrés Madorrán and Loginter (south of Navarra and The Rioja) and, to the left, Josep Solé, of Guissona Trans (Lleida).
In the meeting in the SIL also exposed his miscellaneous experiences of the members of the network, more specifically Arturo Pérez by Andrés Madorrán (Tudela, Navarra and Logroño, The Rioja), Josep Solé by Guissona Trans (Tàrrega, Lleida) and Ramón J. Fernández by Marsan Logistic (Málaga and Antequera, Málaga) and Pallet Jaén.
The commercial development in Iberia goes through to follow guaranteeing an excellent service to all the customers in the Peninsula, improve the services so much to the Balearic islands as to Canaries, with growths very important, and the new European connections by regions, that will realise with the zone center-south of France and his link with Italy. Also it is studying seriously the possibility to integrate south companies of France in the Iberian network.
In the past months, on line with the needs of the customers, Palletways Iberia has set up new formats of pallets: Half (until 1,60 m. Of height) and Full (until 2,20 m.). These, have allowed to the members access to new segments of the market and experience important growths of activity inside his own wallet. Of equal way, the formats Quarter and Mini-Quarter (until 1,2 metres of height and between 150 and 300 kg. Of weight) follow increasing his importance and allow to optimise the drag of the trucks and, therefore, minimise even more the broadcasts of CO2, always being pending of the environingingmental impact of the activity.

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