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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a César Castillo López, director de Formación de la Fundación ICIL
“The political class would have to concienciarse of once of the strategic importance of our sector”

Interview to César Castle López, director of Learning of the Foundation ICIL

Editorial Interempresas31/05/2013
César Castle López is the director of Learning of the Foundation ICIL, entity referent in our country regarding investigation, learning, divulging and business applications in logistics. The foundation will participate of active form in the present edition of the living room SIL 2013, in which it organises the zone of exhibition and demonstration Exhibition Village, that will simulate all a logistical chain in the continuous improvement of the processes.
César Castle López, director of Learning of the Foundation ICIL
César Castle López, director of Learning of the Foundation ICIL.

The Foundation ICIL has launched the ICIL Executive Workshop, of what treats ? With which aim are cream?

The Executive Workshop of the ICIL are programs designed so that the professionals can reach put them managerial in fields very concrete. It treats to do sessions increasingly dynamic in which it learn ‘by doing', and no with the typical session magistral. The acceptance is being quite satisfactory. We are by the work to design a greater offer to cover all the field of the chain of supply.

They defend the reverse logistics like a fundamental tool for the success of the e-commerce. Define it. Which profits contributes?

The reverse logistics comes to solve any incidence or situation related with the commodities refused in the point of sale or in his final destination. In the on-line sale are situations that give very often, by what the gestión of these returns can is a key element of strategic gestión for the companies.

Precisely, it is in Internet where generate increasingly sales of articles what comports new tools and logistical solutions. Which advantages and risks involves this new model of business?

The big advantage of the sale by Internet is the possibility to arrive to our final customer was where was. The physical barriers to access to the customer do not exist in Internet. If it exists the risk that we can not cover the expectations of a market that us sature by the success. The correct implantation of a suitable logistical strategy has to allow us reach each one of the customers that contact us by Internet.

Appearance of the Exhibition Village of the past edition of the SIL
Appearance of the Exhibition Village of the past edition of the SIL.

Accessibility, availability, costs, answer of the consumer to the risk of consumption… four big lines to improve the consumption. Develop them, please.

Have to reinventarnos. We have to innovar in the four big lines that comment. We can not pretend improve the consumption with strategies that had worked in the past. The constant innovation goes us to allow be more competitive and give a better service to our customer.

What ask the customers in the actuality?

The customer asks efficient solutions to his problems. It asks a complete service in which it can trust. Obviously if this can do it with a lower cost and without errors of any type, the customer will be doubly happy. The reduction in costs, this yes, has to give if reduction of the quality of the service.

Logistical innovation in the services, which type of novelties are offering in the actuality?

The main innovation that is being cream in the services is that they begin to treat like services in himself. The strategic plans designed for products are not valid for the services, requires of a strategy and a totally adapted execution to the service. In the services does not exist the defective product that we can refuse and can not do a control of previous quality before the customer enjoy of the service. Any error in the execution can involve a dissatisfied customer, in definite, a bad service. We have to prepare us to do it well from the beginning.

There is a tendency to the externalización of the logistical services. It agrees with this affirmation?

In a principle, the decision on externalizar the logistical services was quite simple. If it was cheaper to do it internally, did it the company and, in contrary case, commissioned to a provider. In the actuality, if we value a business activity any one that internally is more economic in cost that realise it externamente, will have to value also which is the necessary total capital to realise said activity.

When it will result interesting to realise it internally?

If his profitability marginal in front of the externalización, calculated in base to the profit obtained by the lower internal cost and, to the total capital marginal necessary to realise it, is greater that the profitability of the company. We have to take into account that when a company compares an activity that develops with the market, in a lot of cases can find solutions that, although they are more expensive, are more profitable, since the reduction of capital that produce contributes to the profitability in greater quantity that the increase of cost. Therefore, the externalización of the logistical services can contribute value to the company and allow him devote to that that really is his ‘cuore business'.

The Foundation ICIL, in SIL 2013

In collaboration with the SIL, the Foundation ICIL has prepared the Exhibition Village, a zone of exhibition and demonstration in which the companies participants will be able to attend to the visitors, as well as present his products and services to real time, in an area that will simulate all a logistical chain in the continuous improvement of the processes. The slogan of this year is ‘The logistics like innovation and the innovation like improvement of the logistical'. “Treats to show technological innovations applied to the gestión of the chain of supply at the same time that they will show applications of the Read Management in logistics, with conferences related in the Classroom ICIL, meetings of the sectorial committees ICIL. We will inaugurate a new Forum of Human Resources to study the function of the steering of people in the chain of supply”, explains Castle.

It speaks a lot of collaboration between companies. It thinks that the future goes through the cooperation?

Is evident that the collaboration can help us to all. One of the words that more pronounce in the meetings with customers, providers and even with the competition is the ‘win to win'. All want to improve, and the collaboration allows us arrive to a greater excellence. The collaboration has turned into part of the strategy of the company.

They have organised a day devoted to the road transport and the new legal challenges, in bold strokes, which are these legal challenges? To which changes confronts the sector?

Treats to give answer to questions such as: can request a letter of carry electronic? Could expand the term of 60 days for the payment of carry them? What can do the porteador when the addressee refuses the commodity? It can the loaders to modify the itinerary of the once initiated commodity the transport? In definite, with this workshop pretends fix the bases so that the operating capacity of the road transport was efficient and effective inside the legal frame that presents us the new normative. We have to adapt us and know this new normative. And the asignatura pending of the companies of general transport, the professionalism of the company. The sector is suffering a reconversion. The companies that know profesionalizar his activity will be those that will survive.

Instantaneous of the eighth edition of the Debates ICIL 2013
Instantaneous of the eighth edition of the Debates ICIL 2013.

How it finds the logistical sector Spanish in a ranking international?

To level of the competitiveness of our companies, would be in a good position. But the logistical sector no only depends on the efficiency of his companies. It is a sector in which the public intervention can affect him a lot.

Which lacks has, in his opinion, the logistical sector in Spain?

Is logistical sector Spanish finds with some very powerful infrastructures but infrautilizadas in the subject of transport of passengers, and with a big deficiency in the transport of commodities. Still with a lot of asignaturas pending and with internal disputes that do not help in at all to improve the situation of a vital sector for the exit of the crisis. I think that the political class would have to concienciarse of once of the strategic importance of the sector.

To finalise, which are the challenges and bets that poses the logistical sector in front of the complex economic context world-wide?

The globalisation has provided the opportunity of resaltar the importance of the logistics in the world-wide economy. In big pending challenge is the one of concienciar on the strategic importance of the sector in the general steering of the company and, as I say, in the political class.

The Foundation ICIL is “the national referent” of the sector regarding innovation, divulging and learning. To his time, through the department of Optimisation of the Chain of Supply, is in direct contact with the companies and helping to that the processes are increasingly efficient. The current formative offer of the ICIL, contains from programs of gestión and funicionales, monographs, seminars and informative days, executive workshops, masters, managerial programs and MBA. This year it has initiated the first promotion of the MBA for service companies. “The only MBA skilled in giving answers to the needs of the service companies”, explains Castle. “Also have begun the collaboration with university entities. If shelve the professional slope and of contact with the company that characterises us, want also approach us to the academic excellence. Our universities have a potential of investigation that want to take advantage of also for our programs”, aims.

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Fundación ICIL - Barcelona

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