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The IV Barometer Logistical Circle SIL 2013 puts of relief that the quality (75,5 %) is the most valued appearance to the hour to subcontract a logistical service

A 99 % of the loaders companies Spaniards invests in sustainability

International living room of the Logistics and the Manuntención (SIL)05/06/2013
The fifteenth edition of the International Living room of the Logistics and of the Manutención (SIL 2013) has realised the IV Barometer Logistical Circle SIL where analyses the sector of the logistics. In this study has had the collaboration of 763 directors of Spanish logistics that have participating by his condition of members of the Logistical Circle of the SIL 2013.
The profile of the sector of activity of the different directors or responsible of logistics that have participated in this IV Barometer Logistical Circle SIL (Graphic 1) heads it the sector of the feeding and of the big distribution (35%), gone on down the chemical sector, chemist and cosmetic (22%).

Between the distinct questions to which have given answer these directors of logistics, fits to stand out the appearances that more value to the hour to subcontract a logistical service, the logistical activities that are used to to subcontract, his main logistical worries, the degree of investment that realise in environingingmental practices or the qualities that more value to the hour to hire to a professional of the sector of the logistics.

Chart 1: Profile of the sector of activity of the different directors or responsible of logistics
Chart 1: Profile of the sector of activity of the different directors or responsible of logistics.

They increase the sustainable criteria in the companies

One of the most significant appearances that give off of the IV Barometer Logistical Circle SIL 2013 has been the increase of the degree of implication of the loaders companies with the sustainable criteria. 99% of the companies polled invests in environingingmental practices, of them 83% affirms to be enough or very sensitised with this cause. This figure experiences a very significant increase with regard to the data registered in the first Barometer of the Logistical Circle that realised with reason of the SIL 2010, where was of 72,6%. Since this figure has gone going up year to year until reaching 83% of the present exercise.

The 33,5 % of the companies analysed affirm to invest a lot of resources in the sustainable criteria, whereas 49,5% ensures to devote quite a lot of resources. By the contrary, 16% says his company invests little in these practices and only 1% affirms that his company does not devote any type of resource in this terrain.

Chart 2: Investment of the companies in sustainable criteria
Chart 2: Investment of the companies in sustainable criteria.

The quality imposes like the most valued appearance

The quality keeps on being the most valued appearance by the directors of logistics of the Spanish industrial companies to the hour to subcontract a logistical service with 75,5%. Another very valued appearance between the loaders is the saving that can obtain with the outsourcing of a logistical service (65%). The saving increases in 4% the register of the past year and almost 10% from the barometer realised in 2011.

Others of the appearances that value the directors of logistics to the hour to subcontract logistical services are the flexibility (52%), the experience and the confidence in the provider (45%), the rapidity (15,5%), the specialisation (14,5%) and the business optimisation (12,5%). They close this section the RRHH and the learning with 1%, figure that registers a descent of 2,8% with regard to the Barometer of 2012.

Chart 3: Appearances more valued to the hour to subcontract a logistical service
Chart 3: Appearances more valued to the hour to subcontract a logistical service.

The certification of quality, increasingly important

Another of the conclusions that can extract of the IV Barometer Logistical Circle SIL 2013 and indicates that the quality imposes with the well more esteemed to the hour to hire a logistical service, is that the directors of logistics of the Spanish companies value increasingly to the hour to hire a logistical activity that the company that offers these activities have of a certificate of quality or code of best practices. In this sense 82,8% of the loaders companies demands to his providers that have of certificates of quality and codes of best practices, data that has increased in 9% with regard to the barometer realised the previous year. Only 17,2% does not take into account this appearance in the decision to hire a logistical activity or another.
Chart 4...
Chart 4: Influence in the decision to hire a logistical activity the fact that the company in question have a certificate of quality or code of best practices.

The transport, leader stood out like the logistical activity more subcontracted

Between the logistical activities more subcontracted stands out, as it already comes being usual in the previous Barometers of the Logistical Circle, the transport. 91% of the 763 directors of logistics that have participated in the IV Barometer Logistical Circle SIL 2013 affirms that it subcontracts the services of the transport of his company. This percentage is almost three greater points to the registered in 2012 and almost a greater point to the registered in 2011, with what follows upward. The transport is the indisputable leader of this category since it situates to big distance of the second activity more externalizada that it is the distribution with 50,5%.

Anyway, the distribution turns into the logistical activity subcontracted that more it grows in comparison with the Barometer of the past year. A 50'5 % of the loaders companies Spaniards subcontracts the distribution, enciphers that in 2012 was of the 39 %.

In third place of the logistical activities more subcontracted find the gestión of stock with a percentage of 21%, very similar to the past year. The manutención and the storage, that the past year occupied the fifth place of this ranking, goes up until the fourth position with a 18,5 gone on down the containe

Chart 5: logistical Activities that are used to hire
Chart 5: logistical Activities that are used to hire.
They complete the ranking of main logistical activities externalizadas by the companies the automation of systems (11,5%), production (10%), shopping (2%) and others, as it can be the manipulation, the picking, kitting or the copacking (1%). 1% of the loaders companies Spaniards affirms not subcontracting any logistical activity.

The efficiency, the service and the quality between the main logistical worries

The efficiency and the optimisation of costs and stock and the service and the quality, in 20% of the cases, share the first place by what refers to the main logistical worry of the directors of logistics that have participated in this IV Barometer of the Logistical Circle. The efficiency and the optimisation of costs and stocks increases 1,9% with regard to the Barometer of 2012 and the service and the quality increases 1,6%. Another logistical worry that grows of important form this year are the costs, that situate in third place with 17,8%. It follows him the rapidity, the puntualidad and the commitment (13,8%), figure that experiences an important descent with regard to the previous year when it was of the 17 %. Between the main worries that have the directors of logistics of the main industrial companies Spaniards also stand out the communication and the information (technologies of control), with a 6,7 %; the planning (4,4%); the innovation (4,1%); the sustainability (3,6%); the evolution of the sector of the transport (2,9%); and the rail infrastructures for commodities (2,3%), among others.

Stand out that derivative worries of the current economic crisis as they can be the uncertainty of the current situation or the morosidad do not occupy places stood out of this ranking, registering a very light shrinking with regard to the study of the past year. In this sense, 1,9% manifest to be concerned by the current uncertainty (in 2012 were the 2,3 %) and 0,2% by the morosidad (in 2012 was 1%).

Chart 6: Main logistical worries
Chart 6: Main logistical worries.

The work in team, increasingly valued in the contracting of the logistical professionals

To the hour to hire to a logistical professional, the directors of logistics of the Spanish industrial companies value above all else the experience of the candidate (38,3%), although this figure descends with regard to the study realised in 2012 in 2,5%. As it gives off of the IV Barometer Logistical Circle SIL 2013, every time has more in account to the hour to hire to a logistical professional his capacity and skill in the work in team, that happens to occupy the second place of this ranking with 22,5%, 2,6% more than in 2012. The low learning until the third position with 19,5%, 2,6% minor that the data registered the past year.

An appearance that grows of important form with regard to the previous editions of this study is the knowledge of languages and computer with 9,1% (in 2012, was of 8,1% and in 2011 was of 5,8%). Appearances like the recommendation of the candidate by part of a known or professional of the sector (6,7%), or the psychotechnical profile (3,2%) follow having a very similar weight to the that had the year happened in the contracting of a logistical professional.

Chart 7: Appearances with more weight in the decision to hire to a professional of the logistical sector
Chart 7: Appearances with more weight in the decision to hire to a professional of the logistical sector.

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