Incomimex, S.L. - Other complementary equipment for moulding

RUD Power Point

Cáncamos giratorios: for the manipulation of moulds, matrices and coin

Picture of Cáncamos giratorios
Still nowadays they follow committing big errors during the manipulation of moulds, matrices and coin, errors that come mainly marked by the use of cáncamos galvanised DIN 580 in steel St 35. The use of these cáncamos is not very advisable in the elevations of loads in which they exist lateral shots, and even less in the volteos of these pieces. The cáncamos fixed adopt the position of shot of the eslinga causing that they unscrew and generating a situation of high risk in which the cáncamo is not supported totally in his base. In this situation, the lateral tension will bend the espárrago of the cáncamo DIN 580, exceeding considerably the limits of hygiene established for the manipulations of loads.

To llevar vertical and lateral elevations, volteos and twists of moulds, matrices and coin with the maximum hygiene, is necessary to do use of the called cáncamos giratorios of high resistance. Until today, this type of cáncamos only could be connected to the eslingas of elevation by means of the use of the terminal hooks of the same or of grilletes. Usually, the manufacturers of moulds, matrices and coin only use estrobos of wire or of polyester without terminal hooks not to damage the pieces mechanised, what forces to use grilletes like half of union between the estrobo and the cáncamo.

The German manufacturer RUD, specialist in the manufacture of cáncamos in steel of high resistance, gives the solution to all these problems with the creation of his new range of cáncamos giratorios, known like Power Point. His main advantages are: the design provides the sufficient space to avoid the involuntary contact of the hooks, grilletes, chains, etc., with the load, so that it avoids any damage to the piece mechanised; they connect directly to any terminal: hooks, anillas, gazas of wire, eslingas of chain and of polyester, etc. is not necessary any element of union between both systems; realised in steel aleado to the Cr, Neither and Mo, with special thermal sensors treatment; manufactured with double rolling of balls, that allows him adapt to any position of shot without reduction in the capacity of load. They can turn under load of perfect form, without tugs; 100% of the components are testados against fissures, by means of the essay of magnetic particles.