Incomimex, S.L. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Incomimex, S.L.
Pol. Ind. Gatika Parcela 3, Pabellón 1
48110 Gatika (Bizkaia) Spain
☎:  +34‑946155443   +34‑946748233  
🖷:  +34‑946156078
Systems of suspension of loads, chains transportadoras and systems of elevation

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Incomimex, S.L.

Incomimex, S.L. Is a skilled company in systems of suspension of loads, chains transportadoras and systems of elevation for prefabricated of concrete.

Incomimex, S.L. It initiated his activity in the year 1.986, establishing like basic pillar a politics of quality based in the satisfaction his customers. Consequence of this effort and dedication, is the confidence that companies of all the sectors of the industry have deposited in us, between others: Industries cementeras, mining, siderúrgicas, chemical, aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing, nautics, of the construction ....

Incomimex, S.L. It has a system of management of the quality according to the norm ISO 9001:2000 and it is registered by AENOR with the Certificate of Register of Company ER-0972/2001.

Incomimex, S.L. It puts to disposal of his customers all his means, so many humans like technicians, to contribute guarantee, hygiene and practical solutions to the specific problems of elevation and transport.

Work in collaboration with the best manufacturers of the market, world-wide leaders in his sector and pioneers in R&D.