Olife, S.A. - Trespuertas Viejo - Extra virgin olive oil

Trespuertas Viejo

Oil of virgin olive extra: in several formats

Picture of Oil of virgin olive extra
The oil of extra virgin olive Trespuertas Old is an oil of the place jienense of Úbeda, monovarietal, of the variety of olive Picual, fruit that guarantees a big profitability, a performance graso high and a high index of stability and content in acid oleico.

It is an oil that obtains after an accurate deal to the tree and an esmerada selection of the fruit in the first days of the collected, and that molturado of immediate form (before the 24 hours) provides a natural juice of first quality with all the strength, wealth and attributes of this glorious olive Picual.

It commercialises in different formats:

- Bottles of glass of 60 ml, 250 ml and 750 ml. They offer the possibility to do cases of gift with two bottles and customise the bottles with decorative reason in raffia.

- Garrafas Of 5 litres.