Explotaciones Agroalimentarias Trame, S.L. (Aceites Rotalaya) - Extra virgin olive oil

Extra virgin olive oil: made with olives from the varieties of Picual and Royal

Picture of Extra virgin olive oil
Oil crops is an extra virgin olive oil, made with olives from the Picual and Royal, the last native varieties in the bordering area of Quesada with Sierra de Cazorla. This olive juice has an intense fruity character and aroma reminiscent of fresh fruit as the alloza or Apple. It shows a slight bitterness and pungency, of the Picual variety. It is bottled unfiltered to preserve all its features.

With healthy olives in perfect condition, washed and milled the day of collection to prevent its atrojamiento. The oil is extracted at low temperatures and is transferred to stainless steel storage tanks in a heated warehouse. In this way is obtained a virgin olive oil extra, or what is the same: pure olive juice fresh and healthy, without any smell or taste can distort the sensory qualities of the fresh olive green or ripe.