Explotaciones Agroalimentarias Trame, S.L. (Aceites Rotalaya) - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Explotaciones Agroalimentarias Trame, S.L. (Aceites Rotalaya)
Ctra. El Chorro, Paraje Rotalaya
23480 Quesada (Jaén) Spain
☎:  +34‑609651884   +34‑953281584   +34‑625503263  
🖷:  +34‑953281583
w:  www.aceitesrotalaya.com

The vicinity of the company location is being shown.

Explotaciones Agroalimentarias Trame, S.L. (Aceites Rotalaya)

With a new business model focused to the sustainable processes and to the distribution equitativo of the attributions and dividends, his founders set up in Quesada an almazara compound of a playground, a factory and a cellar, situated in some installations of roughly 700 square metres and provista of the most modern machinery of the current market

With this singularity so much of model of business as by the installations initiates his career the Almazara Rotalaya, with a clear aim to turn into reference in the production of the province.