E-mails registered at www.interempresas.net

  • 89.6% de of the e-mail addresses corresponding to active registered users on www.interempresas.net are specific and 10.4% son generic addresses. We consider as generic all the addresses of the type info@, comercial@, ventas@, compras@, tecnico@, administracion@, rrhh@, etc. and equivalent; and specific the rest.
(Source: Internal analysis, February 2023)

Sociodemographic information

  • Male users predominate with a ratio of 7.5 out of 10, although the proportion of female users is on an upward trend.
  • 56% de of the active registered users of www.interempresas.net reside in Spain, and the rest mainly in Latin American countries. Currently 10% dof the total number of users reside in Mexico, 5% en Colombia, 4% en Peru and 3.5% en Argentina.
(Source: Internal analysis, February 2023)

Type of position

  • More than 48% de of the users hold positions of responsibility, either as a director, manager or administrator.
(Source: Internal analysis, February 2023)

Version: 5 - 2023 02