
Interempresas sends periodic sectorial newsletters to 491.148 users, among the 786.917 registered users with an active email address who have authorized the sending of information. Depending on the sectors, the periodicity of sending is weekly, fortnightly or monthly.

Interempresas electronic editions contain relevant information and news related to the sectors to which they are addressed, along with information of products and special offers, as well as the companies that supply or distribute them. Each registered user can manage their electronic editions.

Ask for the planning of editions of the Newsletters

Ask for the available advertising spaces









Almacenaje y Logística

Almacenaje y Logística

Arquitectura y Construcción

Arquitectura y Construcción

Artes Gráficas

Artes Gráficas

Ascensores y Montacargas

Ascensores y Montacargas



Automatización en la Industria 4.0

Automatización en la Industria 4.0





Cerramientos y Ventanas

Cerramientos y Ventanas



Climatización e Instalaciones

Climatización e Instalaciones

Comunicaciones e Informática

Comunicaciones e Informática

Construcción industrializada

Construcción industrializada





Envase y Embalaje

Envase y Embalaje

Equipamiento Industrial

Equipamiento Industrial

Equipamiento para baño

Equipamiento para baño

Equipamiento para Centros Educativos

Equipamiento para Centros Educativos

Estaciones de Servicio

Estaciones de Servicio

Estética y Belleza

Estética y Belleza







Grandes Cultivos

Grandes Cultivos





Hostelería, Restauración y Comercio

Hostelería, Restauración y Comercio



Impresión 3D - Fabricación aditiva

Impresión 3D - Fabricación aditiva

Industria Alimentaria

Industria Alimentaria

Industria Cárnica

Industria Cárnica

Industria de la Pintura

Industria de la Pintura

Industria del Pescado

Industria del Pescado

Industria Naval

Industria Naval



Juguetes y Juegos

Juguetes y Juegos







Maquinaria elevación y carga Obras Públicas

Maquinaria elevación y carga Obras Públicas



Material Deportivo

Material Deportivo

Material eléctrico

Material eléctrico

Menaje de Mesa y Cocina

Menaje de Mesa y Cocina



Minería y Canteras

Minería y Canteras

Náutica de recreo

Náutica de recreo

Naves Industriales y Logísticas

Naves Industriales y Logísticas

Obras públicas

Obras públicas



Pavimentos y Revestimientos

Pavimentos y Revestimientos

Peluquería y Barbería

Peluquería y Barbería

Pinturas y Barnices

Pinturas y Barnices





Protección Laboral

Protección Laboral

Protección Solar, toldos y persianas

Protección Solar, toldos y persianas



Puertas y Automatismos

Puertas y Automatismos



Reciclaje y Gestión de Residuos

Reciclaje y Gestión de Residuos





Smart Cities

Smart Cities



Transporte por carretera · Camiones

Transporte por carretera · Camiones

Transporte y logística

Transporte y logística

Urbanismo y Medio Ambiente

Urbanismo y Medio Ambiente

Vacuno de Carne

Vacuno de Carne

Vacuno de Leche

Vacuno de Leche

Vestuario profesional

Vestuario profesional

Vidrio Plano

Vidrio Plano



  • Aceite

    Newsletter Aceite

    A selection of news, articles and products sent by e-mail to professionals interested in the oil and olive oil mills sector.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:45
    Approximate frequency current year:Weekly
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:6836
    Next scheduled mailing:27/02/2025
  • Aeronáutica

    Newsletter Aeronáutica

    A fortnightly newsletter with all the news, reports and interviews related to aeronautics and its related sectors.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:23
    Approximate frequency current year:Twice a month
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:2542
    Next scheduled mailing:25/02/2025
  • Agricultura

    Newsletter Agricultura

    Two weekly newsletters with all the latest news, reports and interviews related to the agricultural machinery industry, as well as related sectors.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:90
    Approximate frequency current year:Twice a week
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:32507
    Next scheduled mailing:24/02/2025
  • Agua

    Newsletter Agua

    A selection of news, articles and products sent by email to professionals interested in the water sector.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:24
    Approximate frequency current year:Twice a month
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:6944
    Next scheduled mailing:05/03/2025
  • Almacenaje y Logística

    Newsletter Almacenaje y Logística

    A selection of news, articles and products sent by email to professionals interested in the logistics sector.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:90
    Approximate frequency current year:Twice a week
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:18643
    Next scheduled mailing:24/02/2025
  • Arquitectura y Construcción

    Newsletter Arquitectura y Construcción

    A selection of news, articles and products sent by email to professionals interested in the building sector.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:88
    Approximate frequency current year:Twice a week
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:14552
    Next scheduled mailing:25/02/2025
  • Artes Gráficas

    Newsletter Artes Gráficas

    Weekly newsletter with all the latest news, reports and interviews related to the graphics and visual communication industry.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:46
    Approximate frequency current year:Weekly
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:18992
    Next scheduled mailing:26/02/2025
  • Ascensores y Montacargas

    Newsletter Ascensores y Montacargas

    A selection of news, articles and products sent by email to professionals interested in the vertical transport sector.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:22
    Approximate frequency current year:Twice a month
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:4559
    Next scheduled mailing:21/02/2025
  • Autoconsumo

    Newsletter Autoconsumo

    Selection of news, articles and products sent by email to professionals interested in the self-consumption and energy efficiency sector.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:23
    Approximate frequency current year:Twice a month
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:1840
    Next scheduled mailing:05/03/2025
  • Automatización en la Industria 4.0

    Newsletter Automatización en la Industria 4.0

    Weekly newsletter with all the latest news, reports and interviews related to industrial automation.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:45
    Approximate frequency current year:Weekly
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:15717
    Next scheduled mailing:26/02/2025
  • Automoción

    Newsletter Automoción

    A fortnightly newsletter with all the news, reports and interviews related to the automotive industry and its related sectors.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:23
    Approximate frequency current year:Twice a month
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:3601
    Next scheduled mailing:04/03/2025
  • Caprino

    Newsletter Caprino

    Newsletter with all the latest news, reports and interviews related to the goat farming sector.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:45
    Approximate frequency current year:Weekly
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:2634
    Next scheduled mailing:26/02/2025
  • Cerramientos y Ventanas

    Newsletter Cerramientos y Ventanas

    A selection of news, articles and products sent by email to professionals interested in the building envelope and enclosures sector.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:45
    Approximate frequency current year:Weekly
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:8081
    Next scheduled mailing:25/02/2025
  • Ciclismo

    Newsletter Ciclismo

    Thousands of professionals in the sporting goods industry receive our weekly newsletter, which has become an essential information tool for the sector since its first edition. In an era where digital media reigns supreme as the primary communication channel, Tradebike aims to establish itself as the leading digital specialist in the sector. It serves as a weekly digest of the latest news and also provides an ideal space for job postings and dedicated banners

    Number of editions planned for the current year:45
    Approximate frequency current year:Weekly
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:5838
    Next scheduled mailing:26/02/2025
  • Climatización e Instalaciones

    Newsletter Climatización e Instalaciones

    A selection of news, articles and products sent by email to professionals interested in the air conditioning, refrigeration, water and energy efficiency sector.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:88
    Approximate frequency current year:Twice a week
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:16339
    Next scheduled mailing:25/02/2025
  • Comunicaciones e Informática

    Newsletter Comunicaciones e Informática

    Twice a month sectorial newsletter sent to more than 8.700 registered users. This is a powerful digital marketing tool at your disposal since they let you communicate directly with your customers by serving valuable content straight to their inboxes.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:43
    Approximate frequency current year:Weekly
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:5441
    Next scheduled mailing:27/02/2025
  • Construcción industrializada

    Newsletter Construcción industrializada

    A selection of news, articles and products sent by email to professionals interested in the industrialised construction sector.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:23
    Approximate frequency current year:Twice a month
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:7528
    Next scheduled mailing:05/03/2025
  • Electrónica

    Newsletter Electrónica

    Number of editions planned for the current year:47
    Approximate frequency current year:Weekly
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:5398
    Next scheduled mailing:25/02/2025
  • Energía

    Newsletter Energía

    A selection of news, articles and products sent by email to professionals interested in the energy sector.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:43
    Approximate frequency current year:Weekly
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:34750
    Next scheduled mailing:27/02/2025
  • Envase y Embalaje

    Newsletter Envase y Embalaje

    A selection of news, articles and products sent by email to professionals interested in the packaging sector.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:43
    Approximate frequency current year:Weekly
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:10063
    Next scheduled mailing:27/02/2025
  • Equipamiento Industrial

    Newsletter Equipamiento Industrial

    Selection of news, articles and products sent by email to professionals interested in multi-sector industrial equipment and machinery.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:23
    Approximate frequency current year:Twice a month
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:10790
    Next scheduled mailing:04/03/2025
  • Equipamiento para baño

    Newsletter Equipamiento para baño

    A selection of news, articles and products sent by e-mail to professionals interested in the bathroom sector and related subjects.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:22
    Approximate frequency current year:Twice a month
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:5742
    Next scheduled mailing:21/02/2025
  • Equipamiento para Centros Educativos

    Newsletter Equipamiento para Centros Educativos

    Sent by email to users who show interest in the sector with address validated and with authorization for the reception of newsletters. A high quality B2B database, with more than 780.000 users classified by sector.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:11
    Approximate frequency current year:Monthly
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:5530
    Next scheduled mailing:05/03/2025
  • Estaciones de Servicio

    Newsletter Estaciones de Servicio

    A selection of news, articles and products sent by e-mail to professionals interested in the service station sector.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:43
    Approximate frequency current year:Weekly
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:3538
    Next scheduled mailing:27/02/2025
  • Estética y Belleza

    Newsletter Estética y Belleza

    Every fortnighty, on a regular basis, the e-newsletter compiles the contents of the sector published on the Interempresas Belleza Pro website on previous days and is sent by e-mail to the database of professionals and companies in the sector.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:21
    Approximate frequency current year:Twice a month
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:55507
    Next scheduled mailing:06/03/2025
  • Farmacia

    Newsletter Farmacia

    A selection of news, articles and products sent by email to professionals interested in the pharmaceutical industry.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:23
    Approximate frequency current year:Twice a month
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:2929
    Next scheduled mailing:25/02/2025
  • Ferretería

    Newsletter Ferretería

    A selection of news, articles and products sent by email to professionals interested in hardware, DIY and industrial supplies.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:46
    Approximate frequency current year:Weekly
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:11346
    Next scheduled mailing:26/02/2025
  • Ganadería

    Newsletter Ganadería

    Newsletter with all the latest news, reports and interviews related to the livestock sector.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:24
    Approximate frequency current year:Twice a month
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:4759
    Next scheduled mailing:06/03/2025
  • Grandes Cultivos

    Newsletter Grandes Cultivos

    A selection of news, articles and products sent by e-mail to professionals interested in the extensive farming sector.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:45
    Approximate frequency current year:Weekly
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:18094
    Next scheduled mailing:26/02/2025
  • Hábitat

    Newsletter Hábitat

    A selection of news, articles and products sent by email to professionals interested in decoration, interior design and contract.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:42
    Approximate frequency current year:Weekly
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:9834
    Next scheduled mailing:24/02/2025
  • Horticultura

    Newsletter Horticultura

    A selection of news, articles and products sent by e-mail to professionals interested in the horticultural and related sectors.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:44
    Approximate frequency current year:Weekly
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:15296
    Next scheduled mailing:27/02/2025
  • Hostelería, Restauración y Comercio

    Newsletter Hostelería, Restauración y Comercio

    A selection of news, articles and products sent by e-mail to professionals interested in the hotel and catering sector.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:13
    Approximate frequency current year:Monthly
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:3918
    Next scheduled mailing:06/03/2025
  • Iluminación

    Newsletter Iluminación

    A selection of news, articles and products sent by email to professionals interested in the artificial lighting sector.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:46
    Approximate frequency current year:Weekly
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:4118
    Next scheduled mailing:26/02/2025
  • Impresión 3D - Fabricación aditiva

    Newsletter Impresión 3D - Fabricación aditiva

    Biweekly newsletter with all the latest news, reports and interviews related to the 3D printing and additive manufacturing industry.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:23
    Approximate frequency current year:Twice a month
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:15676
    Next scheduled mailing:05/03/2025
  • Industria Alimentaria

    Newsletter Industria Alimentaria

    Newsletter with all the latest news, reports and interviews related to the food industry and related sectors.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:51
    Approximate frequency current year:Weekly
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:15656
    Next scheduled mailing:25/02/2025
  • Industria Cárnica

    Newsletter Industria Cárnica

    Selection of news, articles and products sent by e-mail to professionals interested in the meat sector.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:44
    Approximate frequency current year:Weekly
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:5774
    Next scheduled mailing:27/02/2025
  • Industria de la Pintura

    Newsletter Industria de la Pintura

    A selection of news, articles and products sent by email to professionals interested in the paint industry.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:23
    Approximate frequency current year:Twice a month
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:817
    Next scheduled mailing:25/02/2025
  • Industria del Pescado

    Newsletter Industria del Pescado

    Newsletter with all the latest news, reports and interviews related to the fish sector as a whole.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:23
    Approximate frequency current year:Twice a month
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:945
    Next scheduled mailing:06/03/2025
  • Industria Naval

    Newsletter Industria Naval

    Selección de noticias, artículos y productos enviada por correo electrónico a profesionales interesados en el sector marítimo y naval.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:23
    Approximate frequency current year:Twice a month
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:1074
    Next scheduled mailing:26/02/2025
  • Jardinería

    Newsletter Jardinería

    Selection of news, articles and products sent by email to professionals interested in gardening and garden centres.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:22
    Approximate frequency current year:Twice a month
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:4892
    Next scheduled mailing:06/03/2025
  • Juguetes y Juegos

    Newsletter Juguetes y Juegos

    Sent by email to users who show interest in the sector with a validated address and authorization to receive newsletters. A high quality B2B database of industry professionals.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:47
    Approximate frequency current year:Weekly
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:2392
    Next scheduled mailing:25/02/2025
  • Laboratorios

    Newsletter Laboratorios

    A selection of news, articles and products sent by email to professionals interested in the laboratory sector.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:11
    Approximate frequency current year:Monthly
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:3207
    Next scheduled mailing:18/03/2025
  • Licencias

    Newsletter Licencias

    Sent by email to users who show interest in the sector with a validated address and authorization to receive newsletters. A high quality B2B database of industry professionals.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:50
    Approximate frequency current year:Weekly
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:1892
    Next scheduled mailing:25/02/2025
  • Madera

    Newsletter Madera

    Weekly newsletter with the latest news, articles and interviews related to the wood industry.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:46
    Approximate frequency current year:Weekly
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:8509
    Next scheduled mailing:26/02/2025
  • Maquinaria elevación y carga Obras Públicas

    Newsletter Maquinaria elevación y carga Obras Públicas

    Monthly newsletter with all the latest news, reports, interviews and opinion articles on the lifting machinery sector: MEWPs, cranes, forklifts, telehandlers...

    Number of editions planned for the current year:11
    Approximate frequency current year:Monthly
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:652
    Next scheduled mailing:04/03/2025
  • Mascotas

    Newsletter Mascotas

    Number of editions planned for the current year:23
    Approximate frequency current year:Twice a month
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:2395
    Next scheduled mailing:21/02/2025
  • Material Deportivo

    Newsletter Material Deportivo

    Thousands of professionals within the sporting goods market subscribe to our weekly newsletter, which has been an essential information resource. At a time like the present, where digital media are the most relevant communication channel, tradesport wants to become the great digital specialist in the sector.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:43
    Approximate frequency current year:Weekly
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:6571
    Next scheduled mailing:27/02/2025
  • Material eléctrico

    Newsletter Material eléctrico

    A selection of news, articles and products sent by e-mail to professionals interested in the electrical equipment sector.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:11
    Approximate frequency current year:Monthly
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:5198
    Next scheduled mailing:05/03/2025
  • Menaje de Mesa y Cocina

    Newsletter Menaje de Mesa y Cocina

    Selection of news, articles and products sent by e-mail to professionals interested in the sale and distribution of tableware and kitchenware.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:11
    Approximate frequency current year:Monthly
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:1765
    Next scheduled mailing:11/03/2025
  • Metal

    Newsletter Metal

    Three weekly newsletters with all the news, reports and interviews related to the metalworking and sheet metal forming industry, as well as related sectors.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:129
    Approximate frequency current year:Thrice a week
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:20164
    Next scheduled mailing:24/02/2025
  • Minería y Canteras

    Newsletter Minería y Canteras

    A fortnightly newsletter linked to the sectorial channel Interempresas Minería y Canteras, aimed at professionals from engineering, construction, mining and quarrying companies and other key specialists in the extractive industry.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:23
    Approximate frequency current year:Twice a month
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:3853
    Next scheduled mailing:05/03/2025
  • Náutica de recreo

    Newsletter Náutica de recreo

    Sent by email to users who show interest in the sector with a validated address and authorization to receive newsletters. A high quality B2B database of industry professionals.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:23
    Approximate frequency current year:Twice a month
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:958
    Next scheduled mailing:05/03/2025
  • Naves Industriales y Logísticas

    Newsletter Naves Industriales y Logísticas

    A selection of news, articles and products sent by email to professionals interested in industrial buildings and real estate.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:11
    Approximate frequency current year:Monthly
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:2248
    Next scheduled mailing:04/03/2025
  • Obras públicas

    Newsletter Obras públicas

    Two weekly newsletters with all the news, reports, interviews and opinion articles of the construction and public works machinery industry.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:88
    Approximate frequency current year:Twice a week
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:17642
    Next scheduled mailing:25/02/2025
  • Ovino

    Newsletter Ovino

    Newsletter with all the latest news, reports and interviews related to the sheep farming sector.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:45
    Approximate frequency current year:Weekly
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:3371
    Next scheduled mailing:26/02/2025
  • Pavimentos y Revestimientos

    Newsletter Pavimentos y Revestimientos

    A selection of news, articles and products sent by email to professionals interested in the flooring and lightweight coverings sector and related topics.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:22
    Approximate frequency current year:Twice a month
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:7354
    Next scheduled mailing:21/02/2025
  • Peluquería y Barbería

    Newsletter Peluquería y Barbería

    Every fortnighty, on a regular basis, the e-newsletter compiles the contents of the sector published on the Interempresas Planet Look website on previous days and is sent by e-mail to the database of professionals and companies in the sector.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:23
    Approximate frequency current year:Twice a month
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:54876
    Next scheduled mailing:27/02/2025
  • Pinturas y Barnices

    Newsletter Pinturas y Barnices

    Selection of news, articles and products sent by email to professionals interested in the paint sector.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:11
    Approximate frequency current year:Monthly
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:3358
    Next scheduled mailing:11/03/2025
  • Plástico

    Newsletter Plástico

    A selection of news, articles and products sent by e-mail to professionals interested in the plastics processing sector.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:44
    Approximate frequency current year:Weekly
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:10669
    Next scheduled mailing:27/02/2025
  • Porcino

    Newsletter Porcino

    Newsletter with all the latest news, reports and interviews related to the pig farming sector.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:23
    Approximate frequency current year:Twice a month
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:608
    Next scheduled mailing:25/02/2025
  • Protección Laboral

    Newsletter Protección Laboral

    A selection of news, articles and products sent by e-mail to professionals interested in the field of occupational health and safety and personal protection.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:23
    Approximate frequency current year:Twice a month
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:5068
    Next scheduled mailing:04/03/2025
  • Protección Solar, toldos y persianas

    Newsletter Protección Solar, toldos y persianas

    A fortnightly newsletter, with all the latest news, reports and interviews related to the world of sun shading, textile architecture and related sectors.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:23
    Approximate frequency current year:Twice a month
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:5497
    Next scheduled mailing:06/03/2025
  • Puericultura

    Newsletter Puericultura

    Sent by email to users who show interest in the sector with a validated address and authorization to receive newsletters. A high quality B2B database of industry professionals.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:48
    Approximate frequency current year:Weekly
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:1782
    Next scheduled mailing:25/02/2025
  • Puertas y Automatismos

    Newsletter Puertas y Automatismos

    A monthly newsletter, with all the latest news, reports and interviews related to the world of automatic and manual doors.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:11
    Approximate frequency current year:Monthly
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:1044
    Next scheduled mailing:05/03/2025
  • Química

    Newsletter Química

    Weekly newsletter with the latest news, articles and interviews related to the Chemical Industry, as well as related sectors.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:41
    Approximate frequency current year:Weekly
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:12174
    Next scheduled mailing:27/02/2025
  • Reciclaje y Gestión de Residuos

    Newsletter Reciclaje y Gestión de Residuos

    Selection of news, articles and products sent by email to professionals interested in recycling and waste management.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:45
    Approximate frequency current year:Weekly
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:41989
    Next scheduled mailing:25/02/2025
  • Rehabilitación

    Newsletter Rehabilitación

    A selection of news, articles and products sent by email to professionals interested in the building renovation sector.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:23
    Approximate frequency current year:Twice a month
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:1305
    Next scheduled mailing:06/03/2025
  • Seguridad

    Newsletter Seguridad

    A selection of news, articles and products sent by email to professionals interested in the corporate security sector.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:45
    Approximate frequency current year:Weekly
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:6084
    Next scheduled mailing:25/02/2025
  • Smart Cities

    Newsletter Smart Cities

    Selection of news, articles and products sent by email to professionals interested in smart cities.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:45
    Approximate frequency current year:Weekly
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:2171
    Next scheduled mailing:25/02/2025
  • Textil

    Newsletter Textil

    Selection of news, articles and products sent by e-mail to professionals interested in the textile industry.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:11
    Approximate frequency current year:Monthly
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:5736
    Next scheduled mailing:11/03/2025
  • Transporte por carretera · Camiones

    Newsletter Transporte por carretera · Camiones

    Selection of news, articles and products sent by email to professionals interested in the truck sector.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:23
    Approximate frequency current year:Twice a month
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:3793
    Next scheduled mailing:25/02/2025
  • Transporte y logística

    Newsletter Transporte y logística

    A selection of news, articles and products sent by e-mail to professionals interested in the external logistics and multimodal transport sector.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:42
    Approximate frequency current year:Weekly
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:6263
    Next scheduled mailing:27/02/2025
  • Urbanismo y Medio Ambiente

    Newsletter Urbanismo y Medio Ambiente

    A selection of news, articles and products sent by email to professionals interested in the field of equipment for municipalities.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:11
    Approximate frequency current year:Monthly
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:3738
    Next scheduled mailing:06/03/2025
  • Vacuno de Carne

    Newsletter Vacuno de Carne

    Newsletter with all the latest news, reports and interviews related to the beef cattle sector.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:25
    Approximate frequency current year:Twice a month
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:636
    Next scheduled mailing:04/03/2025
  • Vacuno de Leche

    Newsletter Vacuno de Leche

    with all the latest news, reports and interviews related to the dairy cattle sector.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:23
    Approximate frequency current year:Twice a month
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:627
    Next scheduled mailing:27/02/2025
  • Vestuario profesional

    Newsletter Vestuario profesional

    A selection of news, articles and products sent by e-mail to professionals interested in the workwear and personal protection sector.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:11
    Approximate frequency current year:Monthly
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:3302
    Next scheduled mailing:13/03/2025
  • Vidrio Plano

    Newsletter Vidrio Plano

    A monthly newsletter, with all the latest news, reports and interviews related to the world of flat glass for construction, glazed enclosures and related sectors.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:11
    Approximate frequency current year:Monthly
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:3070
    Next scheduled mailing:06/03/2025
  • Vitivinícola

    Newsletter Vitivinícola

    A selection of news, articles and products sent by e-mail to professionals interested in the wine and viticulture sector.

    Number of editions planned for the current year:44
    Approximate frequency current year:Weekly
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:4765
    Next scheduled mailing:27/02/2025

Classifieds alerts

Interempresas sends fortnightly all offers or classified ads received in that period.
Below you can see the different scheduled alerts

Ask for the schedule of classified ads alerts

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Alerta ocasiones Agrícola

Alerta ocasiones Agrícola

Alerta ocasiones Gráficas

Alerta ocasiones Gráficas

Alerta ocasiones Metal-mecánica

Alerta ocasiones Metal-mecánica

Alerta ocasiones Obras Públicas

Alerta ocasiones Obras Públicas

  • Alerta ocasiones Agrícola

    Alerta Ocasiones Alerta ocasiones Agrícola

    Number of editions planned for the current year:23
    Approximate frequency current year:Twice a month
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:31323
    Next scheduled mailing:05/03/2025
  • Alerta ocasiones Gráficas

    Alerta Ocasiones Alerta ocasiones Gráficas

    Number of editions planned for the current year:23
    Approximate frequency current year:Twice a month
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:19833
    Next scheduled mailing:05/03/2025
  • Alerta ocasiones Metal-mecánica

    Alerta Ocasiones Alerta ocasiones Metal-mecánica

    Number of editions planned for the current year:23
    Approximate frequency current year:Twice a month
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:22040
    Next scheduled mailing:05/03/2025
  • Alerta ocasiones Obras Públicas

    Alerta Ocasiones Alerta ocasiones Obras Públicas

    Number of editions planned for the current year:23
    Approximate frequency current year:Twice a month
    Recepients' number of the last mailing:28235
    Next scheduled mailing:05/03/2025