Area Food - Emagazines

The 8 emagazines of this area are the most important information platform of the Spanish industry. They are specialized digital magazines, designed for dissemination on the Internet, optimized for indexing in search engines.

In each of them can be hired digital covers, articles or videos in cover, banners and semibanners, interstitial advertising or different types of web links.

Bakery and pastry

Bakery and pastry



Fish industry

Fish industry

Food production

Food production

Grape and wine industry

Grape and wine industry

Meat industry

Meat industry

Seguridad Alimentaria

Seguridad Alimentaria

Vegetable Oil Industry

Vegetable Oil Industry

  • Bakery and pastry

    Bakery and pastry

  • Bebidas


    Noticias, reportajes, entrevistas, artículos técnicos, blogs, novedades, agenda de eventos y ferias sobre maquinaria y normativa del sector de bebidas. Se dirige a fabricantes de productos de bebidas tanto de perfil general (agua, lácticas, refrescantes, etc.) como específico (café, té, vino, licores destilados, etc.).

  • Fish industry

    Fish industry

  • Food production

    Food production

    News, reports, interviews, technical articles, blogs, novelties, agenda of the most relevant events and trade fairs on machinery and regulations in the food sector. It is mainly aimed at manufacturers of food products in sectors such as meat, fishing, canning and frozen food, dairy, fruit and vegetables, beverages, ready meals, bakery and confectionery and dry food (snacks, chocolates...).

  • Grape and wine industry

    Grape and wine industry

  • Meat industry

    Meat industry

  • Seguridad Alimentaria

    Seguridad Alimentaria

    Noticias, reportajes, entrevistas, artículos técnicos, blogs, novedades, agenda de eventos y ferias del sector. Se dirige a todos los agentes implicados en la producción alimentaria, logística y transporte alimentarios.

  • Vegetable Oil Industry

    Vegetable Oil Industry

    News, reports, interviews, technical articles, blogs, news, events and fairs related to the oil sector. A high-quality informative compendium aimed mainly at oil mill masters and operators, managers and technical staff of oil mills and researchers. AEMODA's official media.